----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2008 3:34
Subject: The Headings List Add-on
First thing to say is that it doesn't see any
headings at level 1.
Picking a heading from the list in either Windows
with JAWS or Ubuntu with Orca seems to be working ok (early stage of testing
though). Focus is at the correct heading when you pick it from the
The next/prev commands aren't working too well
though. Sometimes it works and sometimes it don't. Sometimes
jumping to a next/prior heading will work one time and then not the next
time. Sometimes it simply skips a few headings or goes in the wrong
direction and sometimes (seemingly depending on the page you're on) it just
jumps to either the first or last heading on the page.
Sorry I can't be more specific yet cos I can't
work out when it works and when it don't.
Another od thing I noticed is that on Wikipedia
there are a few links near the bottom that aren't headings but the headings
list includes them as h5 headings.