Re: [orca-list] IBMTTS and slackware

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On Mon, Jun 02, 2008 at 05:36:07AM EST, Michael Whapples wrote:
Alternatively I am wondering whether it would be best save the money and
stick with espeak as it is good and works, where as ibmtts sounds like I
may hit all sorts of compatibility issues and potentially have no
support from the seller.

Unfortunately compatibility issues will only be more and more common with ibmtts/ttsynth as Linux distro 
development continues, as the legacy library needed is from gcc 2.95, which is all but history. The 
ibmtts/ttsynth code also contains various crash bugs, including bugs where it can be crashed by simple words, 
which were fixed on other platforms years ago.

I'd advise you to save your money, and maybe even check out Cepstral Swift or DECtalk, as these are both 
supported by gnome-speech, and are much easier to get set up. As an added bonus, there is a 64-bit version of 
cepstral available as well. Otherwise, if you can live with espeak, I suggest you stick with it. Development 
is always ongoing, and the synthesizer is always improving.

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