Re: [orca-list] Appologies for the inconvenience.

ïUsing Evolution With Orca

Last edited: 30/05/08

Evolution 2.22.1
Orca 2.22.1

Using a AMD64 NVIDIA chip-set this machine has an Ubuntu Hardy
development installation.  As the official release is only hours away,
the environment should be very close to that of a standard stable Hardy

Document Conventions:
Physical keys and controls are shown within less than and greater than
brackets.  Text displayed or required to type are shown within double
quotes.  Messages echoed by orca are put within single quotes.  The
instructions below illustrate the key presses required when using the
desktop layout for orca's key bindings.

General Navigation Observations:
It can be a bit disconcerting when the user attempts to tab around
clockwise an environment and comes across a silent edit area and can't
tab further forward.  This is not a real problem because in Evolution's
dialogs, either left or right <Shift Key> + <Tab Key> gets around all
the necessary controls when this perceived barrier is met.

Reading received Messages:
In Evolution the user has two choices in the method of reading messages.
Flat review mode and caret mode.  To toggle these modes press <F7 Key>.
Both methods have their advantages.  When caret mode is off.  The user
can read messages using the <7, 9 Keys> of the numeric keypad, when
desktop layout for key bindings is being used.  When the caret mode is
enabled.  The user needs to press down arrow through the header of the
email message and for most messages press <Right Arrow Key> twice to
enter the body of the message.

Writing Messages:
Evolutions composer enables the orca user to compose email messages and
spell check them before sending if selected within the
<Edit/Preferences>.  When the spelling checker queries a spelling, by
using the <6 Key> repeatedly, enables the user to hear the offered
suggestions.  When the desired suggestion is found.  By pressing the
numeric </ Key> the option is highlighted.  So the user can <Tab Key> to
the <Replace Button>.  Although the <Down Arrow Key> sometimes seems to
work through the offered suggestions, it doesn't constantly.

Handling Attachments:
If a message contains an attachment the user can access it in flat
review or caret mode.  In flat review mode, the user navigates to the
line where the attachment is stated by pressing the numeric <9 Key>.
Then by pressing the numeric <6 Key>.  The user can move to âsaveâ, for
a single attachment.  Or to âallâ for more than one attachments and
press the </ Key> on the numeric keypad to single left mouse click the
attachment button.

While in caret mode, the user is required to press <Tab Key> or the
combination of <Down Arrow Key> and <Right Arrow Key> to the bottom of
the message to the attachment button and press <Enter Key>.  Because of
some messages being divided into sections it seems difficult to reach
the attachment button while in caret mode.

Traversing The Folder Tree:
With the options on the view pull-down menu the side bar needs to be
enabled for the notes below to be true.  I've got all others in the
layout menu turned off.  <View Menu/Layout/Side Bar>. 

Evolution makes use of edit areas where the user can type the first
letter/s required to jump to the desired folder within the <Tree Table>.
For example, say there are a group of folders at level 2 called
âAuthoritiesâ, âComputingâ, âFriendsâ, âListsâ and a sub folder at level
3 called âFriends/Lindaâ.  When the focus is anywhere within the <Tree
Table>, if âlindâ is typed and followed by pressing <Tab Key>.  Focus is
put on the Linda folder.  This works for moving to or moving a single or
group of messages to a particular folder.  It even works for creating a
new folder within the <Tree Table>.  For example, if a new sub-folder in
the âFriendsâ folder called âJoeâ was required.  After selecting
<File/New/New Folder> or by right clicking or pressing the <Application
key>.  Typing âJoeâ in the presented edit field and tabbing once.  If
âFriendsâ is the first item beginning with âFâ by typing âfâ and
pressing the <Tab Key> the focus is placed on the âFriendsâ item of the
<Tree Table>.  Pressing the <Enter Key> will generate the new folder.

Message Rules:
Evolution uses the right click or <Application Key> in a very effective
way.  To create a message rule to move a message from the Orca email
list for example, it couldn't be easier.  While focus is upon a message
from the Orca list.  Simply press the <Application Key>, then the <Up
Arrow Key> to loop around to the bottom item of the menu.  Then <Right
Arrow Key> and <Up Arrow Key> again to âFilter Based on Mailing Listâ
and press the <Enter Key>.  Which brings up a dialog with many controls
but by just tabbing around the user is eventually invited to âclick
hereâ to select a folder where future posts from the Orca list are to be
automatically be placed.  Of course it's the familiar <Tree Table> of
folders again.

The activation and generation of rules can also be done from the
<Message/Create Rule> pulldDown menu, whereas the editing, ordering and
deleting rules is found on the <Edit/Message Filters> pull-down menu.

 Setting Preferences:
On the <Edit/Preferences> pull-down menu is a multiple layered set of
property sheets.  By pressing <alt + e> then <Up Arrow Key> followed by
the <Enter Key>.  When selected the focus is upon the
<Edit/Preferences/Accounts> tab.  Although orca announces that the
control is greyed by pressing the <Down Arrow Key> the user can traverse
several property sheets, such as; auto completion, mail preferences and
composer preferences.  On each of these by pressing the <Tab Key> then
pressing the <Right Arrow Key> different sheets associated are presented
if applicable.  For example, from the mail preferences sheet.  The
pressing of the <Right Arrow Key> reveals general, HTML preferences and

A Potential Problem With Preferences:
On the <Edit/Preferences/Auto Completion> a <Tree Table> is presented,
containing the email address books on the system.  As it's a <Tree
Table>, by highlighting the desired choice with the <Down Arrow Key>,
then pressing the <Tab Key> to the <Close Button>.  Should make the
selection.  But it doesn't appear to do so.  Nor does pressing the
<Space-bar> or <Enter Key> doesn't appear to toggle the selection on or
off.  Orca seems to say 'Not selected' but doesn't say 'Selected'.  This
makes using the address book to select the address of a recipient not
possible and typing the address manually is necessary.  This may not be
a problem for everyone as it could be related to a number of factors
such as a missed setting or how the address books have been configured.

Useful Links:

On Sun, 2008-06-01 at 21:50 +0900, balaram wrote:
Dear list,
Sorry for the numorous test mails from me.
I am trying to create a few folders in evolusion to receive mails from
different mailing lists.
P. Balaraman.

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