[orca-list] new user queeries

        Hi to all

I am familiar with mac os x and windows, but thought i give orca a shot and ubuntu 8.04

I have a queery though
1. if i install the OS in say french as i a fluent french speaker, can i use an english voice when on an english website? 2. the same is true if i install the OS in english can the synthesizer switch to another available voice in another language on the fly when on say a chinese website?

speaking of chinese, can orca speak this language with accuracy? i'd love, see to be able to access an english to chinese dictionary as i learning this language via the michel thomas method but on the mac os side of things i can not read chinese as no tts exists
any help on all this confusion smile, would be appreciated immensely
I would be installing linux on my mac via fusion which i assume is the best route? how much room do i have to alocate for linux? again sorry for all questions i'll shut up now smile

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