Re: [orca-list] TTSynth problem trying to install!

I should also add that since the package is unsigned, you should append
--nogpgcheck to the command line.

          Bill in Denver

On Sat, 12 Jul 2008, William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-722-7209 wrote:

Instead of rpm -i do yum localinstall. Yum will pull in the obsolete compatibility libraries to make ibmtts work for a little while longer.


         Bill in Denver

On Fri, 11 Jul 2008, Mailing Lists wrote:


        I'm trying to install the "TTSynthcore-1.0-i386.rpm file on my linux

I am  currently using festival speech which I feel is awful. I am trying to
install the file from within a terinal window within the graphical interface
of Fedora 9 and am logged in as root.
I am getting the below message when I run the following command:
Rpm -i ttsynthcore-1.0-i386.rpm
Error message follows:
Please note as I have a slight hearing impairment I am finding what the
festival synth is saying hard to understand where reading some characters is
concerned so hope that my error msg below is understandable to someone.

/usr/lib/sgc is needed by ttsynthcore-1.0-0i386
Any help much appreciated.

Many thanks,


<obnoxious garbage from Spamfighter and NCBI snipped>

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