[orca-list] Speech Servers

Hash: RIPEMD160

Well, I got sound events so I can tell when I login successfully or
not but still no Orca.  I went through the steps to get speech
dispatcher going but not there yet.  speech dispatcher 0.6.4 works
fine in command mode with spd-say and I installed the python
components into /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages but when I do a
'test-speech' from a console, I only get the following.
Script started on Wed 09 Jan 2008 06:56:58 AM MST
steve lnx3:~$ test-speech
1: OAFIID:GNOME_Speech_SynthesisDriver_Festival:proto0.3

Select a server: 
steve lnx3:~$ exit
Script done on Wed 09 Jan 2008 06:57:15 AM MST

So you can see there is no mention of speech dispatcher.  I also
looked in /usr/lib/bonobo/servers and the only GNOME_Speech stuff
there is is that festival thing.  I'm not trying to use gnome-speech
so not sure if it should be here or not.  Hmmm, that might explain
test-speech not seeing it either.  But if that's so, then how do I get
Orca to automatically hook up to speech dispatcher then.  Obviously,
without speech, I can't get around the GUI configuration yet.

Thanks for  the help.

- -- 
HolmesGrown Solutions
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