Re: [orca-list] orca virtual buffer

am Sa 23. Feb 2008 um 10:01:26 schrieb mohaned1 <mohaneds gmail com>:
Hey all, I know some of you want a JAWS type virtual buffer in Orca. I am 
aware Orca renders pages as is, but here is an idea. Orca already has 
commands to navigate by object using insert plus left or right arrows.
How about adding a hotkey to change the keybindings around, so that up and 
down arrow become navigate by object, and insert left and right arrow become 
navigate by line? This way one would end up using insert left/right arrows 
to navigate list views and the like.

What would be the advantage of this? And waht has this suggestion to do 
with a virtual buffer? Such a buffer is a totally different concept 
compared to the approach of Orca.
What you suggest is to give Orca a lynx-like appearance.
As Joanie told in her reply, you can switch Orca's behavior as you 
suggested by changing key bindings: But you cannot switch the 
appearances by a hotkey.

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