[orca-list] getting braille to print on a braille embosser

hello there,

I know I saw a few weeks ago where Daniel Dalton was wondering about
braille translation to an embosser and I was wondering if anyone else
knows any ways?  I tried looking for NFB Trans with no luck and say tha
liblouis does it also.  but I didn't see where Liblouis had any Python
bindings or I would start work on a translator.  I also know that a man
named Greg I can't think of his last name right now and I know him has
done work on a translator for the Mac which he has okayed that we could
use for translation as well.  Just trying to stir up some input and ways
to do this.  I also see where cups could be used to actually print out
the matterial so maybe we need to think about getting a good translator

Also about Daniel's OCR how to I was thinking about this the last couple
of days.  A group of us if interest is there should build something on
the order of Kurzweil and Open Book the best of both worlds for Linux
that would be cool.

Merry Christmas to all.
Have a nice day,
Scott Berry
E-mail:  N7zib northlc com    

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