[orca-list] Extra Festival Voices And Accessible Games

Has anyone tried the scripts for installing the voices?  There is a part I need to add in to the guide.  Before typing ./mbrola.sh or ./nitech.sh you need to change their permissions, so for each one of them, it would be:
chmod 700 mbrola.sh
chmod 700 nitech.sh
then, ./mbrola.sh and ./nitech.sh should work as expected.
Also, I have done a gaming information guide.  It is attached, so if you have the time, please take a look and let me know what you think.  Once again, it is already in wiki form, so just ignore the equals and braces.  I was surprised at the number of accessible games that are available once I started doing the research.  Let me know if I left something out.

Attachment: games.txt~
Description: application/trash

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