Re: [orca-list] Ubuntu versus Open Solaris

Dear master,

How complex would be to rebuild Opensolaris so The OSS drivers and opensound could be included with Live CD if Sound blaster live will be automatically detected during booting up?

Or next solution.

What about trying to include brltty to Opensolaris, so users could use braille display if their sound cart will not be properly detected? I Am aware, that this equipped Braille display is not cheap, but I think, that it would be much more easy for programmers to include brltty to Opensolaris, than to include Opensound and OSs audio subsystem to support Sound blaster Live.

And next issue.

Try to imagine, that this old cart could work, but The response could be The same like in Ubuntu with default options? So when Pulse audio is active?

But it would be also ammazing, it would be very nice, if also users of this old cart could use Opensolaris. But my opinion is, that it will be very good idea to buy new sound cart, which is now supported by Opensolaris without complex programmers changes, programmers of Opensolaris are having probably much work also without my pleasment about old sound cart.

I only wanted to discuss this topic to know, if is it possible to use this sound cart.

The outcome is, how complex would be to rebuild Brltty to support braille display in Opensolaris, so users with braille display, which is supported by Brltty and users, who are using older sound cart Sound blaster live could use this cart after installing Opensolaris by using Braille display. They could use this cart by using links provided in The threats related to my pleasment about Sound blaster Live.

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