Re: [orca-list] speech-dispatcher won't work

On 20.08.2008 at 14:35:59 Anne Günther <guenni post gmx de> wrote:

I followed the steps from the orca-wiki to enable speech-dispatcher
for hardy. I installed it and copied the file. I srote the neccessary
stuff in the sessio preference dialogue
Name speech-dispatcher
command: speech-dispatcher -d -l 1 -C /home/guenni/.speech-dispatcher

Which version? If it is 0.6.7, you may try:
command: speech-dispatcher -d -l 1 -C /home/guenni/.speech-dispatcher/conf
You must set up SD in order to make it talk at all. Again: If you've
installed SD 0.6.7 type as user:
and answer the questions. If you succeeded, SD should talk.
Note: Don't switch to SD in Orca, unless it is talking in the text
Second note: Check out the list archive in order to read a big bunch of
mails all dealing with Hardy and SD, and be prepared for some
frustration. To configure SD on Hardy might become hard.

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