[orca-list] great problem with voxin

I'm sorry, this is not the right place, but I write to oralux and I didn't receive any response.
Simply, I can't use voxin.
I downloaded ubuntu 8.04, and I choose to install it into windows, with 5 gb of space.
Orca starts properly and installation is complete in a few minute.
When I launch the script for installing voxin, it prompts me for entering password, but it is always wrong. I receive an error message just before the password request. I'm not able to make cut/paste with linux, but it says something like "can't insert padlock." and then there is the path, mmm, I remember /etc/generic/kernel/drivers/2.16.19/crypto_aes, or aes_crypto.
Sorry for this poor report but I hope it could be sufficient clear.
In a few words, I googled this crypto_aes and it appears to be relevant about security and password.
Have you any idea of what is padlock and why there is this error?
This happens with 2 pc!
Thanks a lot.

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