Dear users and developers,
I would like to please You, if
somebody, who is really experienced developer and have deep knowledge about
Gnome, modules related to audio drivers in Ubuntu and Aspecially about driver
for Espeak in Ubuntu, if could be done somethink so Ubuntu distribution could
start be really fully usable with Build in Espeak synthesizer. I AM aware, that
users could choose other compatible text to speech synthesizers with Orca, but I
think, that it is really very sad, that several Ubuntu distributions are
suffering because of problems with random crashes of Orca when used Espeak
synthesizer. If this problem is not specific for Ubuntu distribution and if this
issue is really related to The Espeak driver, do You think, that it could be
better to incorporate Speechdispatcher to The Ubuntu distribution with Espeak
instead of using non reliable driver? I used Ubuntu with speech dispatcher with
Espeak connected to it or even with Festival synthesizer and all worked
ammazingly. I AM writing about this because I think, that this non stable
behaviour of Orca can undervalue whole work of Orca development team, and whole
development team of whole Ubuntu distribution, because it is complex to use
unstable Screen Reader no matter in which operating system. Sad is, that this
instability is not caused by Orca or accessibility architecture of gnome and by
complex software relationships between of those modules. If it is too complex to
debug Espeak driver, my opinion is, that it could be really better to include
speechdispatcher to Ubuntu distribution. If it is not possible because of
licensing issues, well, I understand it.
Developers of Ubuntu made much
for accessibility, even Installer can be automatically launched. One think, that
I can not understand is The reason, why Ubuntu development team stopped to
include very reliable algorithm for detecting connected braille display. This
algorithm worked ammazingly, Brltty has been ready for use with Orca. This
algorithm worked in Ubuntu feisty and Gutsi, unfortunately, somebody decided to
remove those algorithms and I do not why? Those algorithms worked reliably and
if they caused The fact, that Orca sometimes did not stard, I think, that it
could be better to disable automatic running of Orca, users could wait and run
Orca manually. If Gnome accessibility features were enabled. If somebody know
The reason, why users have to enter parameters manually to use braille output
with Orca in Ubuntu Hardy Heron and also in newest live versions, I would lieke
to know this. I know, that The reason was probably related to reach positive
targets, but i really do not think, that it is good idea to remove reliable
automatic features. I was able to use braille with Orca just after first boot of
Last think, that I would like to know is, if it is
allowed to modifi Ubuntu package or no? If it is license protected project non
The kindness regards.
Janusz Chmiel