Re: [orca-list] Firefox


I'm running firefox-3.0a8pre-2007090516_trunk.fc7. You can bet the source and binary RPM's from Try installing the binary. If that fails, try rebuilding the source. On F7, Firefox conflicts with yelp, devhelp, and gnucash. Not a good thing, because it would be nice to actually get help when using Gnome. Any questions, call or write. Calling is better.

Bill in Denver

On Wed, 12 Sep 2007, Darragh Ó Héiligh wrote:

I'm going to go absolutely crazy!  My frutstration at this point is
beyond belief!  I hate SuSE so much I wish they'd just get rid of it.
Like, come on! Why do they need to make everything so different! It's
not like it improves anything!

Ok, My rant is now over.  I have a question.

I've downloaded firefox 3 from the nightly build but when I start it,
orca reports it's inaccessible.


Has something gone wrong with it or is it one more thing that I'm
going to have so spend five hours on with this system.

What a stupid distrobution!

Please help!

The other problem is that evolution won't connect to the novell
groupwise server and groupwise is inaccessible as well so I'm screwed.
I'm not sure what the hell I'm going to do about it.

Did you know that SuSE 10.2 is using gnome 2.16.1? yes. it is and it's
amazing how much more behaved 2.18 is in comparason!

I'm longing for my nice fast laptop with Ubuntu!

Please! I'll do anything!  help me!

How can I get this system to finally act like Ubuntu does right out of
the box.   And, any ideas how I'm going to get past this groupwise


Although I'm very stressed and frustrated, any help would be very appreciated

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