Re: [orca-list] (forw) Re: Speech Dispatcher 0.6.5rc1 (help with testing)


Some notes regarding this:
I've installed this sd Version successfully bei using the same config
steps as the maintainer of the debian package.
It should work under ubuntu too.
1. install the speechd package of your Distro.
2. run:
./configure --build i486-linux-gnu --prefix=/usr --mandir=${prefix}/share/man --infodir=${prefix}/share/info 
--sysconfdir=/etc pidpath=/var/run/speech-dispatcher/ --with-alsa --with-ibmtts

Well --with-ibmtts is optional!

On Mo, Nov 26, 2007 at 09:50:11 +0100, Hermann wrote:
----- Forwarded message from Hermann <meinelisten onlinehome de> -----

From: Hermann <meinelisten onlinehome de>
Subject: Re: Speech Dispatcher 0.6.5rc1  (help with testing)
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2007 21:24:41 +0100
To: Hynek Hanke <hanke brailcom org>
Cc: speechd lists freebsoft org

just downloaded and tested the rc1, and I got a lot of trouble:
1. SD refuses to create the proper pid file when the owner is set to 
speech-dispatcher. One has to chagne the owner to root (in the init.d 
startup script).
2. Having done this, I faced a big and unpleasant surprise: SD showed 
the espeak.log file on the screen and read it instead of the desired 
output. For example:
Starting Speakup resulted in speaking the whole logfile instead of 
tracking the cursor and my actions on the screen.
3. Typing:
aptitude reinstall speech-dispatcher
didn't solve the problem, the missbehavior persisted. Solution:
apt-get remove speech-dispatcerh --purge
apt-get install speech-dispatcher
and configuring the program from the beginning.
I fear there's something terribly wrong with that version.
I've tried it on my desktop computer with GRML in text mode. I don't 
want to test it on my notebook as long as there's no explanation for 
that strange behavior. I don't have a testing machine, which would be 
the best in such cases.

I use grml (

----- End forwarded message -----

I use grml (
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