Re: [orca-list] [BRLTTY] No braille support for Orca in Feisty

Hello Samuel,
the braille support works under the Ubuntu live CD, but not from start up; 
the reason why seems to me to be the following:
When Feisty starts, the braille display is recognized pretty early, a short 
time after USB is recognized.
When I quit brltty after start up and restart it, and than setting up Orca, 
everything is OK.
I came upon it, because I had to restart brltty in order t set the log 
level. This I think is the reason why people who installed Feisty on their hard 
drive experience no problems.
However: A new major issue came up: Brltty and Orca don't work at all in 
the latest Feisty, the beta included. There's no console, and when I try to 
set up Orca by pressing Alt+F2 in the GUI, I cannot log out and back again 
at the end of the procedure. The GUI dies after logging out, and I cannot 
get it back to work.
My last working live CD is from the 7th of March, and I retested it since 
the 20th of March, where the trouble began. During this 14 days period 
someone must have crushed the system terribly.
So how and where to file a bug, when the whole system seems to be one?
I stored the daemon.log inspite. Do you still need it?

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