Re: [orca-list] orca keys specific for firefox?

Yikes! John, looks like you found a bug. Sorry about that. It's now logged as:



John covici wrote:
OK, thanks -- I tried opening learn mode while in ff, but it didn't
tell me nothin'.

on Sunday 03/18/2007 Hermann(steppenwolf2 onlinehome de) wrote
 > Hi John,
 > you must open learn mode when FF has focus. Here's a brief overview:
 > "h" and Shift+H move heading forward/backward
 > "o" and Shift+O move chunk forward/backward
 > "l" and Shift+L move list forward/backward
 > "u" and Shift+U move unvisited link forward/backward
 > "v" and Shift+V move visited link forward/backward
 > Insert+F12 switch between Gecko and Orca controlled caret tracking.
 > Hermann

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