Hmmm. I just turned on my ubuntu box and tried the same thing and it worked.
I wonder if what I had done before going onto firefox had anything to do with it? At any rate, I will outline it just in case.
In the first try when I couldn't move around the print page:
I first started up my computer,
pressed alt f2 and typed gnome-terminal
then I typed script
I proceded to upgrade orca
sudo ./
make install
then I restarted orca. After all this, I opened firefox. I then browsed the default start up page from mazilla. There was a form on there that allowed me to report bugs I found with the beta that I was running. I went down the form, then just arrowed back up. Then I typed in the address bar, found that article on soldiers denied entry, and pressed enter on the link. Then i arrowed down the article a bit, then back up to the print article link where I found myself unable to move up or down in the page.
Well I don't mind if you guys want it to faithfully display the layout of the page. The strange thing here, is that it will read across rows of links and text etc, but when you get down to a block of text in the middle of it all, orca suddenly just focuses on that and ignores all the other stuff around it. It is in between jaws, which uses the virtual buffer, and voiceover, which uses groups mode to just go around the page.
I have become pretty used to both ways, so that is all good, but I was just saying that it would be nice if orca would be one or the other. Overall, a reasonably small complaint that I could get used to.
Justin Harford
"A man's memory is bound to be a distortion of his past in accordance with his present interests, and the most faithful autobiography is likely to mirror less what a man was than what he has become."
Fawn M. Brodie
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