[orca-list] Orca in Debian unstable and espeak or speech-dispatcher who?

Hi folks,

i've got a question about orca build the latest version via svn 2.21 etc.
and speech!

i did  the following steps:
1. i installed gnome-speech, espeak, festival and speechdispatcher.
2. login as the main user (Marco)
3. orca -t
i should choose a syntesizer i've chosen espeak
and made the installation complete.

I loged on gnome and startet orca and the program was start for a short
moment and crashed down. i couldn't start it again. Only after a reboot
orca was starting again, but the same result.

So i tried to configure orca again with festival
in festival orca was running, but only in english language.
so i tried speech-dispatcher it's also talking in english language!

But it's running with sd, too.

Now my question:
Whats the problem here? Why doesn't espeak work
and how could i get sd in German??

many thanks!

regards Marco

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