Re: [orca-list] Catching Mouse

Hi Flavio:

Orca uses the AT-SPI infrastructure.  To determine what is going on in
an application, Orca listens for AT-SPI events, such as "focus:" and
object selection events.  These events are all handled via customizable
and extendable scripts.  To get an idea of what is going on, you might
take a look at Orca's module, which provides the default
script for Orca.

Hope this helps,


On Sat, 2007-06-23 at 23:40 -0400, Flaper87 wrote:
Hi everybody!!

I'v been trying to make orca work fine on my Debian Lenny, but i still
can't, and i don't know why!!!

If i remove the gnomefactory from the settings of course it works, but
i want to perform a full test of orca. 

So, I would like to know how orca does to catch when i focus on the
aplication menu or whichever button or menu i focus?

Wha is the module that makes it possible?

I'm really interested to know this, 'cause i need to implement thoese
things in an application, and i'm also interested in helping on the
orca project. 

Grettings and Thanks

Flavio Percoco Premoli, A.K.A. [Flaper87]
Usuario Linux registrado #436538
Geek by nature, Linux by choice, Debian of course. 
Key Fingerprint: CFC0 C67D FF73 463B 7E55  CF43 25D1 E75B E2DB 15C7 
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