Re: Orca acrobat

Hi Bart.

Soon I will get around to posting detailed acrobat information (tips and
tricks, known issues, current bugs, etc.) on the wiki, but the quick
answer to your question is:

Get into the Preferences dialog, and choose Accessibility.  I would
check the option labeled "always display the keyboard selection cursor".
Then, still within the Preferences dialog, select Reading.  There is a
checkbox called "enable document accessibility."  I would check that as
well.  Hopefully that will do it.  However, if it still doesn't seem to
be doing anything, try pressing F7. 

Depending on the accessibility of the PDF in question, your mileage
will, of course, vary.

Hope this helps!  Let me know.

On Mon, 2007-01-08 at 15:50 +1100, Bart Bunting wrote:
Hi all,

I'm running the latest svn orca but still can't get acroread to work
with speech.

I can't find the enable carrot navigation checkbox that I thought I
had to enable for things to work.

Can someone give me some pointers on what the required settings for
acroread are?


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