Re: [orca-list] Problem with evolution and move to dialog seems fixed

I don't seem to be finding what you describe. If in the message list of
evolution I press insert+f11 until I hear "speak row", and then use up
down cursor keys, I normally hear <message sender> <subject> <time/date>
unless it is unread in which case unread is said first, and if there is
an attachment I get attachment said before the sender is spoken. The
only problem I am getting at the moment is that evolution seems to get
unresponsive at times (like it is doing another process and must wait
for that to finish first), and this normally shows itself when opening a
compose dialog or shutting down evolution (when closing evolution I even
sometimes get a dialog saying that evolution is not responding and
asking if I want to wait or force a quit). This problem I don't know if
it is orca related or not, if running orca and accessibility for some
reason slows things down (like previous reports about things like
closing certain windows).

Michael Whapples
On Sun, 2007-12-16 at 16:48 +0100, Hermann wrote:
One majo bug remains:
When Orca is set to read the whole row in tables, the message headers in 
the message list are not read correctly.
Orca reads the column titles and reports every mail as unread and with 
an attachment, and also be marked.
I remember that this used to work in older Orca/Evolution versions: Only 
unread mails where announced with status, an attachment was indicated 
when there's one, and a set mark, such as important etc., was announced 
only when set by the user.
The only workaround is to set table reading to cell. But the status of 
the headers gets not read correctly too. Advantage: you can scroll the 
headers by cell.
Is this known?

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