[orca-list] RealPlayer, firefox and orca

After reading a comment about realplayer supporting ALSA for output on
this list (when I had last tried it it didn't and for some reason it
didn't work well with aoss and my sound card), I decided to try it now.
I have noticed that if you start it normally, it seems to be accessible
(I haven't tested it fully, but things like menus, buttons, etc seem to
be possible to navigate). When I was in firefox and went to a realaudio
stream (.ram file) firefox asked what to open the file with, so I
selected realplayer and went to "OK" and realplayer started playing it.
The only thing is that realplayer like this seems to be inaccessible (as
in orca says "inaccessible" and no actions get spoken, eg. nothing is
spoken if I press f10 for the menu).

My question is, what is the difference when something is launched by
firefox (I think I have seen this with other apps)? Is there any work
around to make these accessible? Or do I need to download the file

Michael Whapples

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