Re: [orca-list] orca crashes

I Bram:

Please try them out and let me know how they work.
Works, but in the stable version of Portaudio 19, Alsa support doesn't 
work. I tried the last portaudio19-development svn build. Alsa is 
working fine here, but same crashes as with the ubuntu portaudio 
package. So, I think it's a bug in either eSpeak or Portaudio, any thaughts?

Bummer.  Can you remind me what the stack traces of the crashes look

It would be really nice to have eSpeak working with alsa, because I'm 
running this on a laptop with a crappy intel/realtek hd-audio soundcard 
which doesn't support hardware mixing.

You might try the 'aoss' hack described under the "How do I get Orca to
speak alongside other alsa applications?" question in the Orca FAQ:

It's a hack, and I'm not sure it provides optimal behavior with respect
to latency and interrupting speech quickly, but your mileage may vary.


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