Re: [orca-list] boot time

The boot process need not be a mystery to you. It is fully accessible.

If you're a speech user, get speakup. If you're a braille user, get
brltty. You can then monitor, work from, the console, including the boot
process, to your heart's content.

PS: You will also find this activity copiously logged in the /var/log


Mohammed Al-shar' writes:
hi listers.

for those who are running feisty on their machines, what is the average boot 
time for it? on my machine the ubuntu logo takes just about the same time 
xp's logo takes. but then the portion that follows, and I have no idea what 
it is, takes so long. so the whole boot process is as twice as windows 
normally takes to load. is this normal?

my machine is: 3ghz CPU, 1gb ram.


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Janina Sajka,   Phone:  +1.202.595.7777;        sip:janina a11y org
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