Re: [orca-list] Another gmail update: I moved my subscription now but ...


I am actually writing this reply directly from the Gmail site in basic
HTML view.

After initial testing of the new settings pages using both Firefox and
lynx, yes lynx, :) I am happy to say everything seems to be working so
fa. I did make a huge mistake however, by changing the language as
part of my test, but the settings page hasn't been made available in
other languages yet. :) Oh well, I was able to get Gmail back to
English by accessing the general settings through the main Google My
Account page, so I was able to access my account and its settings in
English again. What a relief, since I can only take educated guesses
about the French I was presented with after changing the language. :)

Thanks again for the quick response and favourable results so far.

Live long and prosper,

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