Re: [orca-list] FW: Orca Hot Key

Hi Ian:

Do you still want me to do this even though I'm still on v1?  I don't know
if this will help, but the keyboard is UK layout but the Insert and Delete
keys are swapped around in position - ie the insert is above the delete key
when I would expect it to be below.  It works correctly in Windblows though.

In light of this news, getting the debug output for what X thinks the key is would be very helpful. :-)

In addition, I find that the Insert hot key only works after power up if an
application has been opened and closed before you try to use it.

Ah...yeah. In order for Orca to get any sort of events, it needs an AT-SPI friendly application to have focus on the screen. On most systems running GNOME, this is usually the case.

If so, I'll wait until Ubuntu launches the stable Feisty  and do a total
clean install on that.  I presume as that comes with Gnome 2.18 it'll also
come with eSpeak and associated drivers as standard?

Yep!  Feisty is working well for many people right now.

Hope this helps,


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