Re: Orca Updating

  Version 1.x will work and above will work on edgy eft. Though since I
installed the beta I upgraded the entire systemand I still couldn't
compile the latest tarball, I guess maybe becasue it was a beta install,
but yes you can compile and install from source as usual.

just download the tarball orca-2.17.2.tar.gz and run:
./configure --prefix=/usr
switch to root
make install

this should get you going to make sure kill orca then relaunch it again
and you should be good to go.

On Sat, 2006-11-18 at 19:22 +0100, Hermann wrote:
Hi again,
one more question:
Together with Ubuntu came Orca 1.0.
The latest version is 2.17.2. Is it possible to upgrade to this
version, although I didn't install Orca manually, e. g. the source
code package wasn't used?
What happens if Orca 2 doesn't work, is there any chance to downgrade,
except reinstalling the system or restore it from an image?

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