Re: Orca on laptops.

Noted.  For those users that absolutely positively need to set the lock
modifier, they can set the Orca modifier to something else.  This isn't
perfect, but it is workable.

If there are no reasonable objections by the end of the day, I'm going
to consider discussion of this issue closed and the proposal accepted.
I'll check in the patch tomorrow morning and will log a FUTURE RFE for
allowing the Lock modifier to be locked when Caps Lock is under Orca's

Thanks everyone!  This has been a rather long, but useful and important,
discussion.  I think we've come to a reasonable conclusion.


PS - Instead of Caps Lock, I say get rid of "w".  It upsets the pattern
I used to memorize Grade 1 Braille.  Heck, it's really a double U (or
double V if you're French), and I'm happy to spell my name UUillie or

On Thu, 2006-11-09 at 17:41 +0000, Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:
Willie Walker wrote:

If this constraint is acceptable, I think we're done.  If the majority
of users are adamant about obtaining normal Caps Lock behavior via some
other gesture on the same key (e.g., a quick double press of Caps Lock),
well, we'll need to think about it.  If users say that kind of thing is
a "nice to have", however, I'd prefer we note it as a future enhancement
and not over engineer at this point.

I'd also like everyone to keep the other bigger picture in mind: even
with our generous community members helping, we're a small team and each
feature (even the hours spent discussing the feature) has an opportunity
cost.  For example, I'm engaged in this discussion right now versus
focusing on Firefox accessibility.  Mike is engaged in documenting this
discussion instead of focusing on other important aspects of the Orca
design.  Bill is engaged in this discussion instead of focusing on high
priority AT-SPI implementation problems.

I'd like to just say "go forth and fix Firefox accessibility" as that's
what most interests /me/, but I feel I have to be responsible and point
out that when a slightly jokey proposal to eliminate caps lock once and
for all was laid before the Slashdot hordes it was rapidly revealed that
certain corporate situations required data entry all in capitals:

See for example this comment on that submission:

I'm not sure if that makes access to normal caps lock behaviour a "must
have" or a "nice to have". As far as I can see, it's not as crucial as
effective web access, but that may be my bias talking.

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

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