Re: Orca on Ubuntu LTS 6.06

No problem, Chida.  Your post actually forced me to re-read the FAQ and
update some stale answers.  :-)


On Fri, 2006-07-21 at 23:06 +0530, Chida N wrote:

On 7/21/06, Willie Walker <William Walker sun com> wrote:
        Hi Chida:
        I think the problem is that you've installed Orca in a place
        that Python
        cannot find by default.  You need to tell Python where to
        look.  Here's
        a snippet from the Orca FAQ at

Hi Will,

I feel so silly! I should have RTFFAQ. 

Thanks for the pointers. orca 0.2.6 works on Ubuntu 6.06. I just
started playing with it :) 


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