Re: Orca [Kde-accessibility] /KDE Integration

On Saturday 26 August 2006 07:02, Olaf Jan Schmidt wrote:
Hi Gary!

Some additional thoughts:
* It is impossible to run two registries in parallel because of the way
XEvie is written. 

Explain please.

Maybe it makes more sense to have a registry that can 
speak both CORBA and D-Bus (via modules). Does the current CORBA AT-SPI
registry code support a move to D-Bus?

Worth looking into I suppose.

* There is a compiler that generates various D-Bus bindings from an XML
description. If it is possible to express the whole IDL in D-Bus
Introspection XML, then we would get bindings for all languages and
toolkits supported by D-Bus. Otherwise it might perhaps be possible to
reuse code.

Do you mean the Qt dbusxml2cpp compiler?  That's an interesting idea.  
Harald's qdbusaccessible already contains some of the xml files. Together 
with pyQt, it might avoid the dbus-python binding problems I mentioned.  I 
assume that can that be done without creating a linked dependency on Qt in 
Orca?  pyQt currently supports up to Qt 4.1.3  I wonder if/when it will 
support Qt 4.2, particularly the D-Bus support?

Gary Cramblitt (aka PhantomsDad)

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