Re: Orca Working on Liferea script

Hi all

Al, that would be OK if button was a toggle button.
But is a push button with a graphic indicating the information
online/offline working. I don't know if the graphic shows the status of
online or offline working.
But when you click in this button, in the status bar appears "liferea is
online" or "liferea is offline"

The button here needs an accessible name.
And since this information "liferea is online" or offline is not the
only information that can appear on the status bar, We can speak/braille
the status bar changes, for example when Orca has verbose verbosity
level. So when We click the button the new status will be announced.
I will file a RFE for Orca, to improve a11y for Liferea. And if it's
possible a bug for application to set accessible information for this



 El dom, 06-08-2006 a las 10:51 -0400, Al Puzzuoli escribiÃ:
Hi Javier,

Personally, I think I would like to know the button's status whenever it 
gains focus.  Perhaps the button could be called something like, working 
online button, and then the status could be spoken as pressed or not 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Francisco Javier Dorado MartÃnez" <javier tiflolinux org>
To: <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 10:22 AM
Subject: Orca Working on Liferea script

Hi all

Currently I am working in making a script for Liferea application.

One of issues that I have found, is on the button near statusbar, that
is unlabeled. This button toggles working online/offline withLiferea.
When you click it, the information of the statusbar changes indicating
the new status.

My question are: What do you think Orca should speak/braille here? I
have thought "work online/offline button"
should Orca announce the status when this button gains focus?
or only whenever it changes.



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