RE: New release soon

> From: Bowie Owens [mailto:bowie owens csiro au] 
> Hi Murray,
> I don't have any pending changes, so I have no objections to a new 
> release. I have been using the CVS head for some time and it seems 
> pretty stable to me. So a new release is sounds like a good idea.

Bowie, I have even-worse-than-normal connection problems at the moment.
Could you do this release for us? You just need to scp it to and run
install-module theorbitcpptarball.tar.gz

It doesn't look like I will have enough time for my various OSS projects for
the next 6 months. I have always tried to be generous with maintainerships
and in this case it really looks like you could be the perfect maintainer
for orbitcpp. Would you like to take it on? Maintainership involves:
- Making releases now and then.
- Paying attention to the list of bugs - you already do this far more than
- Worrying.
- Revelling in glory.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net 

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