RE: Linking (Again)

> From: Johan Cronje [mailto:jcronje dsp sun ac za] 
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello
> I sorted out most of my linking troubles (didn't see the 
> "extern" functions in 
> some of the generated files). I was wondering if someone 
> could please point 
> me in the right direction with the last few. Included is an 
> extract of my 
> generated sdr_corba.h file (generated using orbit-idl-2 
> --noskels --nostubs 
> - --nocommon sdr_corba.idl):
> #ifdef ORBIT_IDL_C_IMODULE_sdr_corba
>    static
> #else
>    extern
> #endif
>    const struct CORBA_TypeCode_struct 
> TC_sdr_corba_component_name_struct;
> #define TC_sdr_corba_component_name 
> ((CORBA_TypeCode)&TC_sdr_corba_component_name_struct)
> Now, the linker complains that "sdr_corba.o(.rodata+0x78): 
> undefined reference 
> to `TC_sdr_corba_component_name_struct'". So I suspect that I must 
> instanciate this variable, but my question is: how and where?
> Sorry if this seems trivial, but I'm quite new to all this. I 
> get similar 
> errors when I try to compile the examples in the "test" 
> directory that comes 
> with the orbitcpp source, so working through them didn't 
> solve my problem.

Maybe you are not generating/building/linking the C stubs/skels. Do look at
the libbonobomm makefiles for clues.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net
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