Re: Linker Errors

Murray Cumming Comneon com <Murray Cumming Comneon com> wrote:
> In general, try to do what libbonobomm does. It would be nice to have a
> standalone orbitcpp example, of course. If libbonobomm doesn't build then
> nothing will.

... which reminds me...

I have attached a small tarball which contains a complete project that
uses orbitcpp, including automake, autoconf and libtool stuff.

I have no idea if this code still compiles with the current versions of
orbitcpp and/or GCC. I inherited this code with the SourceForge orbitcpp
project, and lost it for a while.

I hope nobody minds the attachment; it really is small (6K).

> I'm not sure what that is in C, or how it would be useful in C++.

The -skelimpl.c file contains the framework that is needed in C to
create a servant, such as the vtable for method implmentations. It's not
so useful in C++ because you just inherit from the base class that is
generated from the IDL. No inheritance in C.

The only use I can think of is generating the object definition complete
with method signatures, but that can easily be done by copying the base
class and running a search and replace.
Sam "Eddie" Couter  |  mailto:sam couter dropbear id au
Debian Developer    |  mailto:eddie debian org
                    |  jabber:sam teknohaus dyndns org
OpenPGP fingerprint:  A46B 9BB5 3148 7BEA 1F05  5BD5 8530 03AE DE89 C75C

Attachment: orbitcpp-examples-0.2.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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Description: PGP signature

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