Re: orbitcpp/orb-cpp/*_seq.h member typedefs access control probl em

Murray Cumming Comneon com wrote:

From: Bowie Owens [mailto:bowie owens csiro au] One of these days I'll upgrade to 3.3 and catch all these access control problems.
Thanks for the patch, I have already applied it to CVS. Can you confirm that CVS now works for 3.3?

Do remember that these access problems are a gcc bug, not a bug in orbitcpp
code [1], so you should probably #ifdef any workaround, or at least add a
comment saying that stuff is public for that reason.

Hmm. I pretty sure this is orbitcpp bug hidden by gcc < 3.3 bug. Lets look at Sequence_out<T> template. It contains following lines

typedef typename T::value_t value_t;
typedef typename T::index_t index_t;

If we pass in for example CompoundUnboundedSeq wich had all of above types declared in private the problem is obvious. I assume you won't blindly put everything in public and agree with you. I'll try CVS version this weekend and revise code to keep in public only stuff wich is really need to be there.


Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net .

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