Re: Multi-threaded

Toralf Lund wrote:
> First question: Is this list actually alive???
Yes, the list is alive, but little conversation going on ;)

> Second question: Can anyone explain how to set up an ORBit2 server so
> that it can process several requests in parallel via multi-threading?
Did you take a look at this page?

Taking a look at this sample code today, I would do it a bit
differently, for example: instead of instanciating  a new ORB within
each  thread, one should instanciate only a single ORB instance once in
main thread and invoke "run" from within each thread on it. The "run"
operation will add the specific thread to thread-pool, waiting for new
incoming requests to be processed.  This threading-model would be the
most resource-efficient way.

Does this help? May I ask you for the reason you look at CORBA,
especially ORBit2?  If you are interested in realtime-like middleware,
it might be worth to look at, which is a DDS
data centric publish/subscribe framework, providing  scaling ,
fault-tolerance and realtime as key features. DDS is also an open standard.

Just in case you would like professional services for ORBit2 or
OpenSplice DDS, you can contact

Regards, Frank
fn:Frank Rehberger
adr:;;Wiesbadenerstr. 28;Berlin;;14197;Germany
email;internet:Frank Rehberger web de
note:Skype: frehberg

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