Re: Crosscompiling ORBit2

Guillermo Sanchez wrote:
> Hello collisters:
> I'm quite new in the ORBit world, so sorry if this is not the correct
> way of asking things.
> I wanted to compile an ORBit program (server, client, skelimp...)
> using RTAI flags (Real Time Aplication Interface) and includes, since
> I'm using this last to communicate ORBit with a real time process. I
> thought it would be a matter of makefile edition but when I edited it
> I realized how new I'm in this world. Indeed I don't know where ORBit2
> compiles at all.
first you need to invoke the IDL compiler which generates the C code for
your IDL interfaces, this way you will get the stubs and skeletons.

$(IDLOUT): Uneje.idl
	$(ORBIT_IDL) Uneje.idl

The skeletons are for the server-side, the stubs for the client side.

These files are ordinary C files which can be compiled to object files
with gcc.

On server side you will need also to implement the skeletons, commonly
called "classname-skeleton-impl.c", which implement the logic of your

Hope that helps.

> By the way, is there any difference between using g_thread_create and
> pthread_create?
little, g_thread_create will be mapped onto pthread_create, but for
portability it is better to choose g_thread_create, which might also do
some magic in background.

> Also, can I create a thread inside the skeleton implementation code?
Off course you can, but if it is about to calculate a return value, you
should not.

Instead, the requests are managed by the POA, the portable object
adapter. This Adapter will be initialized with so called
concurrency-policy, which can be "single-threaded",
"thread-per-connection" or a "system" specific threaded policy. AFAICS,
thread per connection is the best choice for RealTime applications. This
way each client (alias connection) would be associated with a specific
thread on server side, and requests of high priorized clients would not
share thread-resources with requests of low priorized threads. RT-CORBA
defines a n umber of thread-pool features, but they are not implemented
for ORBit2 yet (AFAIK).

Regards, Frank

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