ORBNamingIOR=corbaloc:iiop:1 0 localhost:12000 fails to connect to nameserver


  I'm using orbit 2.14.3. I run my CORBA server with
  -ORBNamingIOR=corbaloc:iiop:1 0 localhost:12000/NameService option, but it
  fails to connect to the CORBA name server. It connects if I change
  localhost to domain name for this host.

  I've tracked down the problem to link_connection_do_initiate() function.
  There exists a check of whether supplied host name equals to FQDN of the
  local host, or whether their IP addresses match. I don't understand the
  reason for this check; why connections to other hosts are forbidden (and,
  more importantly, to localhost)?

  Here's the code:

static gboolean
link_connection_do_initiate (LinkConnection        *cnx,
                             const char            *proto_name,
                             const char            *host,
                             const char            *service,
                             LinkConnectionOptions  options)
        const LinkProtocolInfo *proto;
        int                     rv;
        int                     fd;
        gboolean                retval = FALSE;
        struct sockaddr        *saddr;
        LinkSockLen             saddr_len;

        proto = link_protocol_find (proto_name);

        if (!proto)
                return FALSE;

	if (host && (strcmp (proto_name, "IPv4") == 0)) {
		const char *local_host;
		local_host = link_get_local_hostname ();

		if (strcmp (host, local_host)) {
			unsigned long inet_addr_host, inet_addr_local_host;
			inet_addr_host = get_inet_addr (host);
			inet_addr_local_host = get_inet_addr (local_host);

			if (inet_addr_host != inet_addr_local_host)
				return FALSE; 


/Dmitry <dmaks esphion com>

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