Interoperating with a Corba 3.x object


I would like to try Orbit2, as a Corba 2.x implementation, and I would like to generate client stubs for a Corba 3.x CCM component which is on the server.

So, translating a simple Hello IDL 3.x component definition into the IDL  2.x equivalent 
interface I get something like the one below:

// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Hello.idl
interface Hello : Components::CCMObject {
void sayHello();
// --------------------------------------------------------------

I have added to that an #include <Components.idl> (taken from the Corba 3.x implementation provided by CIAO) at the top of the equivalent generated file, and assuming my Hello.idl file is in the same directory of Components.idl, running the Orbit2 IDL compiler I have errors (increasing the debugging level there is no helpful output).

I tried the same example with no success also positioning my Hello.idl file in the Mico CCM distrubution, replacing the #include <Components.idl> with #include <CCM.idl> (because it's called like that in Mico CCM).

By the way, I was told that those included IDL files (providing among other things, the CCM::Object type) are vanilla IDL 2.x definition, thus suitable for compilation by a plain old IDL 2.x compiler.

Any suggestions? Sorry if my question seems obvious but I'm stuck with this technical issue and I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if there are some incompatibilities I'm not aware of.

Thanks in advance,

Alessio Pace.

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