Re: [RFC] Fix for bug#163666 (indent_level.patch)

diff -urpN ORBit2.orig/ChangeLog ORBit2/ChangeLog
--- ORBit2.orig/ChangeLog	2005-01-12 12:14:08.000000000 +0100
+++ ORBit2/ChangeLog	2005-01-13 10:38:29.878823564 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+2005-01-13  Jules Colding  <colding omesc com>
+	* src/idl-compiler/orbit-idl-c-skelimpl.c: I had a really hard time parsing 
+	the code with the former indentation level of 2, so I changed it to a more
+	reasonable 8.
 2005-01-12  Jules Colding  <colding omesc com>
 	* src/idl-compiler/orbit-idl-main.c (main): Fix print of passes.
diff -urpN ORBit2.orig/src/idl-compiler/orbit-idl-c-skelimpl.c ORBit2/src/idl-compiler/orbit-idl-c-skelimpl.c
--- ORBit2.orig/src/idl-compiler/orbit-idl-c-skelimpl.c	2005-01-01 10:28:14.000000000 +0100
+++ ORBit2/src/idl-compiler/orbit-idl-c-skelimpl.c	2005-01-13 10:37:53.290115613 +0100
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ static void orbit_cbe_write_skelimpl(FIL
 orbit_idl_output_c_skelimpl(IDL_tree tree, OIDL_Run_Info *rinfo, OIDL_C_Info *ci)
-  orbit_cbe_write_skelimpl(ci->fh, tree, ci->base_name);
+	orbit_cbe_write_skelimpl(ci->fh, tree, ci->base_name);
 #include <ctype.h>
@@ -26,19 +26,19 @@ orbit_idl_output_c_skelimpl(IDL_tree tre
 typedef struct {
-  FILE *of;
-  IDL_tree tree;
+	FILE *of;
+	IDL_tree tree;
+	       PASS_IMPLSTUBS, PASS_LAST } pass;
 } CBESkelImplInfo;
 const char *passnames[] = {
-  "App-specific servant structures",
-  "Implementation stub prototypes",
-  "epv structures",
-  "vepv structures",
-  "Stub implementations",
-  "Boohoo!"
+	"App-specific servant structures",
+	"Implementation stub prototypes",
+	"epv structures",
+	"vepv structures",
+	"Stub implementations",
+	"Boohoo!"
 static void orbit_cbe_ski_process_piece(CBESkelImplInfo *ski);
@@ -54,466 +54,466 @@ static void cbe_ski_do_module(CBESkelImp
 static void
 orbit_cbe_write_skelimpl(FILE *outfile, IDL_tree tree, const char *hdrname)
-  CBESkelImplInfo ski = {NULL, NULL, PASS_SERVANTS};
+	CBESkelImplInfo ski = {NULL, NULL, PASS_SERVANTS};
-  ski.of = outfile;
-  ski.tree = tree;
+	ski.of = outfile;
+	ski.tree = tree;
-  g_return_if_fail(IDL_NODE_TYPE(tree) == IDLN_LIST);
+	g_return_if_fail(IDL_NODE_TYPE(tree) == IDLN_LIST);
-  fprintf(outfile, "/* This is a template file generated by command */\n");
-  fprintf(outfile, "/* orbit-idl-2 --skeleton-impl %s.idl */\n", hdrname);
-  fprintf(outfile, "/* User must edit this file, inserting servant  */\n");
-  fprintf(outfile, "/* specific code between markers. */\n\n");
+	fprintf(outfile, "/* This is a template file generated by command */\n");
+	fprintf(outfile, "/* orbit-idl-2 --skeleton-impl %s.idl */\n", hdrname);
+	fprintf(outfile, "/* User must edit this file, inserting servant  */\n");
+	fprintf(outfile, "/* specific code between markers. */\n\n");
-  fprintf(outfile, "#include \"%s.h\"\n", hdrname);
+	fprintf(outfile, "#include \"%s.h\"\n", hdrname);
-  for(ski.pass = PASS_SERVANTS; ski.pass < PASS_LAST; ski.pass++) {
-    fprintf(outfile, "\n/*** %s ***/\n", passnames[ski.pass]);
-    orbit_cbe_ski_process_piece(&ski);
-  }
+	for(ski.pass = PASS_SERVANTS; ski.pass < PASS_LAST; ski.pass++) {
+		fprintf(outfile, "\n/*** %s ***/\n", passnames[ski.pass]);
+		orbit_cbe_ski_process_piece(&ski);
+	}
 static void
 orbit_cbe_ski_process_piece(CBESkelImplInfo *ski)
-  /* I'm not implementing this as an array of function pointers
-     because we may want to do special logic for particular cases in
-     the future. Hope this is clear enough. -ECL */
-  switch(IDL_NODE_TYPE(ski->tree)) {
-  case IDLN_ATTR_DCL:
-    cbe_ski_do_attr_dcl(ski);
-    break;
-    cbe_ski_do_interface(ski);
-    break;
-  case IDLN_LIST:
-    cbe_ski_do_list(ski);
-    break;
-  case IDLN_MODULE:
-    cbe_ski_do_module(ski);
-    break;
-  case IDLN_OP_DCL:
-    cbe_ski_do_op_dcl(ski);
-    break;
-    cbe_ski_do_param_dcl(ski);
-    break;
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
+	/* I'm not implementing this as an array of function pointers
+	   because we may want to do special logic for particular cases in
+	   the future. Hope this is clear enough. -ECL */
+	switch(IDL_NODE_TYPE(ski->tree)) {
+		cbe_ski_do_attr_dcl(ski);
+		break;
+		cbe_ski_do_interface(ski);
+		break;
+	case IDLN_LIST:
+		cbe_ski_do_list(ski);
+		break;
+		cbe_ski_do_module(ski);
+		break;
+	case IDLN_OP_DCL:
+		cbe_ski_do_op_dcl(ski);
+		break;
+		cbe_ski_do_param_dcl(ski);
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
 static void
 cbe_ski_do_module(CBESkelImplInfo *ski)
-  CBESkelImplInfo subski = *ski;
-  subski.tree = IDL_MODULE(ski->tree).definition_list;
-  cbe_ski_do_list(&subski);
+	CBESkelImplInfo subski = *ski;
+	subski.tree = IDL_MODULE(ski->tree).definition_list;
+	cbe_ski_do_list(&subski);
 static void
 cbe_ski_do_list(CBESkelImplInfo *ski)
-  CBESkelImplInfo subski = *ski;
-  IDL_tree curitem;
-  int nl = 0;
-  for(curitem = ski->tree; curitem; curitem = IDL_LIST(curitem).next) {
-    subski.tree = IDL_LIST(curitem).data;
-    orbit_cbe_ski_process_piece(&subski);
-    if (nl <= 1) {
-	    nl++;
-	    fprintf(ski->of, "\n");
-    }
-  }
+	CBESkelImplInfo subski = *ski;
+	IDL_tree curitem;
+	int nl = 0;
+	for(curitem = ski->tree; curitem; curitem = IDL_LIST(curitem).next) {
+		subski.tree = IDL_LIST(curitem).data;
+		orbit_cbe_ski_process_piece(&subski);
+		if (nl <= 1) {
+			nl++;
+			fprintf(ski->of, "\n");
+		}
+	}
 static void cbe_ski_do_attr_dcl_internal(CBESkelImplInfo *ski, IDL_tree current_interface, gboolean inherited)
-  IDL_tree curop, curitem;
-  GString *attrname = g_string_new(NULL);
-  CBESkelImplInfo subski = *ski;
-  if(ski->pass == PASS_SERVANTS) {
-    for(curitem = IDL_ATTR_DCL(ski->tree).simple_declarations; curitem;
-	curitem = IDL_LIST(curitem).next) {
-      orbit_cbe_write_typespec(ski->of, IDL_ATTR_DCL(ski->tree).param_type_spec);
-      fprintf(ski->of, " attr_%s;\n", IDL_IDENT(IDL_LIST(curitem).data).str);
-    }
-  }
-  for(curitem = IDL_ATTR_DCL(ski->tree).simple_declarations;
-      curitem; curitem = IDL_LIST(curitem).next) {
-    /* Fake the attribute get/set methods as operation declarations */
-    IDL_tree ident, ns_data_save;
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-	    if (i && IDL_ATTR_DCL(ski->tree).f_readonly)
-		    break;
-	    /* Output the operation on this attribute */
-	    g_string_printf(attrname, i ? "_set_%s" : "_get_%s",
-			     IDL_IDENT(IDL_LIST(curitem).data).str);
-	    ident = IDL_ident_new(g_strdup(attrname->str));
+	IDL_tree curop, curitem;
+	GString *attrname = g_string_new(NULL);
+	CBESkelImplInfo subski = *ski;
+	if(ski->pass == PASS_SERVANTS) {
+		for(curitem = IDL_ATTR_DCL(ski->tree).simple_declarations; curitem;
+		    curitem = IDL_LIST(curitem).next) {
+			orbit_cbe_write_typespec(ski->of, IDL_ATTR_DCL(ski->tree).param_type_spec);
+			fprintf(ski->of, " attr_%s;\n", IDL_IDENT(IDL_LIST(curitem).data).str);
+		}
+	}
+	for(curitem = IDL_ATTR_DCL(ski->tree).simple_declarations;
+	    curitem; curitem = IDL_LIST(curitem).next) {
+		/* Fake the attribute get/set methods as operation declarations */
+		IDL_tree ident, ns_data_save;
+		int i;
+		for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+			if (i && IDL_ATTR_DCL(ski->tree).f_readonly)
+				break;
+			/* Output the operation on this attribute */
+			g_string_printf(attrname, i ? "_set_%s" : "_get_%s",
+					IDL_IDENT(IDL_LIST(curitem).data).str);
+			ident = IDL_ident_new(g_strdup(attrname->str));
-	    /* Tell the ident where our namespace node is, and request a return value
-	       if this is the _get operation */
-	    IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(ident) = IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_LIST(curitem).data);
-	    curop = IDL_op_dcl_new(0, i == 0 ?
-				   IDL_ATTR_DCL(ski->tree).param_type_spec : NULL,
-				   ident, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+			/* Tell the ident where our namespace node is, and request a return value
+			   if this is the _get operation */
+			IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(ident) = IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_LIST(curitem).data);
+			curop = IDL_op_dcl_new(0, i == 0 ?
+					       IDL_ATTR_DCL(ski->tree).param_type_spec : NULL,
+					       ident, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-	    curop->up = ski->tree->up;
-	    subski.tree = curop;
+			curop->up = ski->tree->up;
+			subski.tree = curop;
-	    /* Save the namespace ident (IDL_GENTREE data) reference, assign
-	       back to the temporary tree, output the operation, then restore
-	       the namespace ident link */
-	    ns_data_save = IDL_GENTREE(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_LIST(curitem).data)).data;
-	    IDL_GENTREE(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_LIST(curitem).data)).data = ident;
-	    if (i) {
-		    /* The set routine also needs the value, so we
-		       temporarily add that to the operation
-		       declaration */
-		    IDL_OP_DCL(curop).parameter_dcls = IDL_list_new(
-			    IDL_param_dcl_new(IDL_PARAM_IN,
-					      IDL_ATTR_DCL(ski->tree).param_type_spec,
-					      IDL_ident_new(g_strdup("value"))));
-	    }
+			/* Save the namespace ident (IDL_GENTREE data) reference, assign
+			   back to the temporary tree, output the operation, then restore
+			   the namespace ident link */
+			ns_data_save = IDL_GENTREE(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_LIST(curitem).data)).data;
+			IDL_GENTREE(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_LIST(curitem).data)).data = ident;
+			if (i) {
+				/* The set routine also needs the value, so we
+				   temporarily add that to the operation
+				   declaration */
+				IDL_OP_DCL(curop).parameter_dcls = IDL_list_new(
+					IDL_param_dcl_new(IDL_PARAM_IN,
+							  IDL_ATTR_DCL(ski->tree).param_type_spec,
+							  IDL_ident_new(g_strdup("value"))));
+			}
-	    if(inherited==TRUE)
-	      cbe_ski_do_inherited_op_dcl(&subski, current_interface);
-	    else
-	      orbit_cbe_ski_process_piece(&subski);
-	    /* Restore the fake link to the original in the namespace */
-	    IDL_GENTREE(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_LIST(curitem).data)).data = ns_data_save;
-	    if (i) {
-		    /* Free only what we've created for the fake node, so remove 
-		       the attribute node element and then free the rest */
-			    IDL_OP_DCL(curop).parameter_dcls).data).param_type_spec = NULL;
-	    }
+			if(inherited==TRUE)
+				cbe_ski_do_inherited_op_dcl(&subski, current_interface);
+			else
+				orbit_cbe_ski_process_piece(&subski);
+			/* Restore the fake link to the original in the namespace */
+			IDL_GENTREE(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_LIST(curitem).data)).data = ns_data_save;
+			if (i) {
+				/* Free only what we've created for the fake node, so remove 
+				   the attribute node element and then free the rest */
+						      IDL_OP_DCL(curop).parameter_dcls).data).param_type_spec = NULL;
+			}
-	    /* Remove what we've "borrowed" from ATTR_DCL from the
-	       fake curop node then free the rest */
-	    IDL_OP_DCL(curop).op_type_spec = NULL;
-	    IDL_tree_free(curop);
-    }
-  }
+			/* Remove what we've "borrowed" from ATTR_DCL from the
+			   fake curop node then free the rest */
+			IDL_OP_DCL(curop).op_type_spec = NULL;
+			IDL_tree_free(curop);
+		}
+	}
-  g_string_free(attrname, TRUE);
+	g_string_free(attrname, TRUE);
 static void cbe_ski_do_attr_dcl(CBESkelImplInfo *ski)
-  cbe_ski_do_attr_dcl_internal(ski, NULL, FALSE);
+	cbe_ski_do_attr_dcl_internal(ski, NULL, FALSE);
 cbe_ski_do_inherited_attr_dcl(CBESkelImplInfo *ski, IDL_tree current_interface)
-  cbe_ski_do_attr_dcl_internal(ski, current_interface, TRUE);
+	cbe_ski_do_attr_dcl_internal(ski, current_interface, TRUE);
 static void
 cbe_ski_do_op_dcl(CBESkelImplInfo *ski)
-  /* If you fix anything here, please also fix it in
-     cbe_ski_interface_print_epv_for_op(), which is almost a
-     cut-and-paste of this routine */
-  char *id, *id2;
-  IDL_tree curitem, op;
-  int level;
-  CBESkelImplInfo subski = *ski;
-  switch(ski->pass) {
-  case PASS_PROTOS:
-    fprintf(ski->of, "static ");
-    orbit_cbe_write_param_typespec(ski->of, ski->tree);
+	/* If you fix anything here, please also fix it in
+	   cbe_ski_interface_print_epv_for_op(), which is almost a
+	   cut-and-paste of this routine */
+	char *id, *id2;
+	IDL_tree curitem, op;
+	int level;
+	CBESkelImplInfo subski = *ski;
+	switch(ski->pass) {
+		fprintf(ski->of, "static ");
+		orbit_cbe_write_param_typespec(ski->of, ski->tree);
-    id = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_OP_DCL(ski->tree).ident), "_", 0);
+		id = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_OP_DCL(ski->tree).ident), "_", 0);
-    curitem = IDL_get_parent_node(ski->tree, IDLN_INTERFACE, &level);
+		curitem = IDL_get_parent_node(ski->tree, IDLN_INTERFACE, &level);
-    g_assert(curitem);
-    id2 = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_INTERFACE(curitem).ident), "_", 0);
-    fprintf(ski->of, "\nimpl_%s(impl_POA_%s *servant,\n", id, id2);
-    g_free(id); g_free(id2);
+		g_assert(curitem);
+		id2 = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_INTERFACE(curitem).ident), "_", 0);
+		fprintf(ski->of, "\nimpl_%s(impl_POA_%s *servant,\n", id, id2);
+		g_free(id); g_free(id2);
-    op = ski->tree;
-    for(curitem = IDL_OP_DCL(ski->tree).parameter_dcls;
-	curitem; curitem = IDL_LIST(curitem).next) {
-      subski.tree = IDL_LIST(curitem).data;
-      orbit_cbe_ski_process_piece(&subski);
-    }
-    if(IDL_OP_DCL(op).context_expr)
-      fprintf(ski->of, "CORBA_Context ctx,\n");
-    fprintf(ski->of, "CORBA_Environment *ev)");
-    if(ski->pass == PASS_IMPLSTUBS) {
-      fprintf(ski->of, "\n{\n");
-      if(IDL_OP_DCL(op).op_type_spec) {
-	orbit_cbe_write_param_typespec(ski->of, ski->tree);
-	fprintf(ski->of, " retval;\n");
-	fprintf(ski->of, " /* ------   insert method code here   ------ */\n");
-	fprintf(ski->of, " /* ------ ---------- end ------------ ------ */\n");
-	fprintf(ski->of, "\nreturn retval;\n");
-      }
-      else
-      {	
-	fprintf(ski->of, " /* ------   insert method code here   ------ */\n");
-	fprintf(ski->of, " /* ------ ---------- end ------------ ------ */\n");
-      }
-      fprintf(ski->of, "}\n\n");
-    } else /* PASS_PROTOS */
-      fprintf(ski->of, ";\n");
-    break; /* End PASS_PROTOS | PASS_IMPLSTUBS */
-  case PASS_EPVS:
-    id = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_OP_DCL(ski->tree).ident),
-				 "_", 0);
-    fprintf(ski->of, "(gpointer)&impl_%s,\n", id);
-    g_free(id);
-    break;
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
+		op = ski->tree;
+		for(curitem = IDL_OP_DCL(ski->tree).parameter_dcls;
+		    curitem; curitem = IDL_LIST(curitem).next) {
+			subski.tree = IDL_LIST(curitem).data;
+			orbit_cbe_ski_process_piece(&subski);
+		}
+		if(IDL_OP_DCL(op).context_expr)
+			fprintf(ski->of, "CORBA_Context ctx,\n");
+		fprintf(ski->of, "CORBA_Environment *ev)");
+		if(ski->pass == PASS_IMPLSTUBS) {
+			fprintf(ski->of, "\n{\n");
+			if(IDL_OP_DCL(op).op_type_spec) {
+				orbit_cbe_write_param_typespec(ski->of, ski->tree);
+				fprintf(ski->of, " retval;\n");
+				fprintf(ski->of, " /* ------   insert method code here   ------ */\n");
+				fprintf(ski->of, " /* ------ ---------- end ------------ ------ */\n");
+				fprintf(ski->of, "\nreturn retval;\n");
+			}
+			else
+			{	
+				fprintf(ski->of, " /* ------   insert method code here   ------ */\n");
+				fprintf(ski->of, " /* ------ ---------- end ------------ ------ */\n");
+			}
+			fprintf(ski->of, "}\n\n");
+		} else /* PASS_PROTOS */
+			fprintf(ski->of, ";\n");
+		break; /* End PASS_PROTOS | PASS_IMPLSTUBS */
+	case PASS_EPVS:
+		id = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_OP_DCL(ski->tree).ident),
+					     "_", 0);
+		fprintf(ski->of, "(gpointer)&impl_%s,\n", id);
+		g_free(id);
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
 static void
 cbe_ski_do_inherited_op_dcl(CBESkelImplInfo *ski, IDL_tree current_interface)
-  char *id, *id2;
-  IDL_tree ident, curitem, intf, op;
-  int level;
-  CBESkelImplInfo subski = *ski;
-  id = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_INTERFACE(current_interface).ident), "_", 0);
-  intf = IDL_get_parent_node(ski->tree, IDLN_INTERFACE, NULL);
-  id2 = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_INTERFACE(intf).ident), "_", 0);
-  ident=IDL_OP_DCL(ski->tree).ident;
-  g_assert(ident);
-  switch(ski->pass) {
-  case PASS_PROTOS:
-    fprintf(ski->of, "static ");
-    orbit_cbe_write_param_typespec(ski->of, ski->tree);
+	char *id, *id2;
+	IDL_tree ident, curitem, intf, op;
+	int level;
+	CBESkelImplInfo subski = *ski;
+	id = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_INTERFACE(current_interface).ident), "_", 0);
+	intf = IDL_get_parent_node(ski->tree, IDLN_INTERFACE, NULL);
+	id2 = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_INTERFACE(intf).ident), "_", 0);
+	ident=IDL_OP_DCL(ski->tree).ident;
+	g_assert(ident);
+	switch(ski->pass) {
+		fprintf(ski->of, "static ");
+		orbit_cbe_write_param_typespec(ski->of, ski->tree);
-    curitem = IDL_get_parent_node(ski->tree, IDLN_INTERFACE, &level);
-    g_assert(curitem);
+		curitem = IDL_get_parent_node(ski->tree, IDLN_INTERFACE, &level);
+		g_assert(curitem);
-    fprintf(ski->of, "\nimpl_%s_%s(impl_POA_%s *servant,\n", id, IDL_IDENT(ident).str, id);
+		fprintf(ski->of, "\nimpl_%s_%s(impl_POA_%s *servant,\n", id, IDL_IDENT(ident).str, id);
-    op = ski->tree;
-    for(curitem = IDL_OP_DCL(ski->tree).parameter_dcls;
-	curitem; curitem = IDL_LIST(curitem).next) {
-      subski.tree = IDL_LIST(curitem).data;
-      orbit_cbe_ski_process_piece(&subski);
-    }
-    if(IDL_OP_DCL(op).context_expr)
-      fprintf(ski->of, "CORBA_Context ctx,\n");
-    fprintf(ski->of, "CORBA_Environment *ev)");
-    if(ski->pass == PASS_IMPLSTUBS) {
-      fprintf(ski->of, "\n{\n");
-      if(IDL_OP_DCL(op).op_type_spec) {
-	orbit_cbe_write_param_typespec(ski->of, ski->tree);
-	fprintf(ski->of, " retval;\n");
-	fprintf(ski->of, " /* ------   insert method code here   ------ */\n");
-	fprintf(ski->of, " /* ------ ---------- end ------------ ------ */\n");
-	fprintf(ski->of, "\nreturn retval;\n");
-      }
-      else
-      {	
-	fprintf(ski->of, " /* ------   insert method code here   ------ */\n");
-	fprintf(ski->of, " /* ------ ---------- end ------------ ------ */\n");
-      }
-      fprintf(ski->of, "}\n\n");
-    } else /* PASS_PROTOS */
-      fprintf(ski->of, ";\n");
-    break; /* End PASS_PROTOS | PASS_IMPLSTUBS */
-  case PASS_EPVS:
-    ident=IDL_OP_DCL(ski->tree).ident;
-    g_assert(ident);
-    fprintf(ski->of, "(gpointer)&impl_%s_%s,\n", id, IDL_IDENT(ident).str);
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
+		op = ski->tree;
+		for(curitem = IDL_OP_DCL(ski->tree).parameter_dcls;
+		    curitem; curitem = IDL_LIST(curitem).next) {
+			subski.tree = IDL_LIST(curitem).data;
+			orbit_cbe_ski_process_piece(&subski);
+		}
+		if(IDL_OP_DCL(op).context_expr)
+			fprintf(ski->of, "CORBA_Context ctx,\n");
+		fprintf(ski->of, "CORBA_Environment *ev)");
+		if(ski->pass == PASS_IMPLSTUBS) {
+			fprintf(ski->of, "\n{\n");
+			if(IDL_OP_DCL(op).op_type_spec) {
+				orbit_cbe_write_param_typespec(ski->of, ski->tree);
+				fprintf(ski->of, " retval;\n");
+				fprintf(ski->of, " /* ------   insert method code here   ------ */\n");
+				fprintf(ski->of, " /* ------ ---------- end ------------ ------ */\n");
+				fprintf(ski->of, "\nreturn retval;\n");
+			}
+			else
+			{	
+				fprintf(ski->of, " /* ------   insert method code here   ------ */\n");
+				fprintf(ski->of, " /* ------ ---------- end ------------ ------ */\n");
+			}
+			fprintf(ski->of, "}\n\n");
+		} else /* PASS_PROTOS */
+			fprintf(ski->of, ";\n");
+		break; /* End PASS_PROTOS | PASS_IMPLSTUBS */
+	case PASS_EPVS:
+		ident=IDL_OP_DCL(ski->tree).ident;
+		g_assert(ident);
+		fprintf(ski->of, "(gpointer)&impl_%s_%s,\n", id, IDL_IDENT(ident).str);
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
-  g_free(id);
-  g_free(id2);
+	g_free(id);
+	g_free(id2);
 static void
 cbe_ski_do_param_dcl(CBESkelImplInfo *ski)
-  orbit_cbe_write_param_typespec(ski->of, ski->tree);
-  fprintf(ski->of, " %s,\n", IDL_IDENT(IDL_PARAM_DCL(ski->tree).simple_declarator).str);
+	orbit_cbe_write_param_typespec(ski->of, ski->tree);
+	fprintf(ski->of, " %s,\n", IDL_IDENT(IDL_PARAM_DCL(ski->tree).simple_declarator).str);
 static void
 cbe_ski_do_interface_vepv_entry(IDL_tree interface, CBESkelImplInfo *ski)
-  char *id, *inherit_id;
+	char *id, *inherit_id;
-  if(interface==ski->tree) {
-    id = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_INTERFACE(ski->tree).ident), "_", 0);
-    fprintf(ski->of, "&impl_%s_epv,\n", id);
-    g_free(id);
-    return;
-  }
-  id = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_INTERFACE(ski->tree).ident), "_", 0);
-  inherit_id = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_INTERFACE(interface).ident),
-			       "_", 0);
-  fprintf(ski->of, "&impl_%s_%s_epv,\n", id, inherit_id);
+	if(interface==ski->tree) {
+		id = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_INTERFACE(ski->tree).ident), "_", 0);
+		fprintf(ski->of, "&impl_%s_epv,\n", id);
+		g_free(id);
+		return;
+	}
+	id = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_INTERFACE(ski->tree).ident), "_", 0);
+	inherit_id = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_INTERFACE(interface).ident),
+					     "_", 0);
+	fprintf(ski->of, "&impl_%s_%s_epv,\n", id, inherit_id);
-  g_free(id);
-  g_free(inherit_id);
+	g_free(id);
+	g_free(inherit_id);
 static void
 cbe_ski_do_inherited_methods(IDL_tree interface, CBESkelImplInfo *ski)
-  CBESkelImplInfo subski= *ski;
-  IDL_tree curitem;
-  char *id = NULL, *inherit_id = NULL; /* Quiet gcc */
-  if(interface==ski->tree)
-    return;
-  if(ski->pass==PASS_EPVS) {
-    id = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_INTERFACE(ski->tree).ident),
-      "_", 0);
-    inherit_id = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_INTERFACE(interface).ident),
-      "_", 0);
-    fprintf(ski->of, "static POA_%s__epv impl_%s_%s_epv = {\nNULL, /* _private */\n",
-      inherit_id, id, inherit_id);
-  }
+	CBESkelImplInfo subski= *ski;
+	IDL_tree curitem;
+	char *id = NULL, *inherit_id = NULL; /* Quiet gcc */
+	if(interface==ski->tree)
+		return;
+	if(ski->pass==PASS_EPVS) {
+		id = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_INTERFACE(ski->tree).ident),
+					     "_", 0);
+		inherit_id = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_INTERFACE(interface).ident),
+						     "_", 0);
+		fprintf(ski->of, "static POA_%s__epv impl_%s_%s_epv = {\nNULL, /* _private */\n",
+			inherit_id, id, inherit_id);
+	}
-  for(curitem = IDL_INTERFACE(interface).body; curitem; curitem=IDL_LIST(curitem).next) {
-  	subski.tree=IDL_LIST(curitem).data;
+	for(curitem = IDL_INTERFACE(interface).body; curitem; curitem=IDL_LIST(curitem).next) {
+		subski.tree=IDL_LIST(curitem).data;
-	switch(IDL_NODE_TYPE(IDL_LIST(curitem).data)) {
-	case IDLN_OP_DCL:
-		cbe_ski_do_inherited_op_dcl(&subski, ski->tree);
-		break;
-		cbe_ski_do_inherited_attr_dcl(&subski, ski->tree);
-		break;
-	default:
-	  break;
+		switch(IDL_NODE_TYPE(IDL_LIST(curitem).data)) {
+		case IDLN_OP_DCL:
+			cbe_ski_do_inherited_op_dcl(&subski, ski->tree);
+			break;
+		case IDLN_ATTR_DCL:
+			cbe_ski_do_inherited_attr_dcl(&subski, ski->tree);
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+		}
-  }
-  if(ski->pass==PASS_EPVS) {
-    fprintf(ski->of, "};");
+	if(ski->pass==PASS_EPVS) {
+		fprintf(ski->of, "};");
-    g_free(id);
-    g_free(inherit_id);
-  }
+		g_free(id);
+		g_free(inherit_id);
+	}
 static void
 cbe_ski_do_interface(CBESkelImplInfo *ski)
-  char *id;
-  CBESkelImplInfo subski = *ski;
+	char *id;
+	CBESkelImplInfo subski = *ski;
-  id = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_INTERFACE(ski->tree).ident), "_", 0);
+	id = IDL_ns_ident_to_qstring(IDL_IDENT_TO_NS(IDL_INTERFACE(ski->tree).ident), "_", 0);
-  switch(ski->pass) {
-    fprintf(ski->of, "typedef struct {\nPOA_%s servant;\nPortableServer_POA poa;\n", id);
-    subski.tree = IDL_INTERFACE(ski->tree).body;
-    cbe_ski_do_list(&subski);
-    IDL_tree_traverse_parents(ski->tree, (GFunc)&cbe_ski_do_inherited_methods,
-    				ski);
-    fprintf(ski->of, "   /* ------ add private attributes here ------ */\n");
-    fprintf(ski->of, "   /* ------ ---------- end ------------ ------ */\n");
-    fprintf(ski->of, "} impl_POA_%s;\n\n", id);
-    break;
-  case PASS_EPVS:
-    fprintf(ski->of,
-	    "static PortableServer_ServantBase__epv impl_%s_base_epv = {\n",
-	    id);
-    fprintf(ski->of, "NULL,             /* _private data */\n");
-    fprintf(ski->of, "(gpointer) & impl_%s__destroy, /* finalize routine */\n", id);
-    fprintf(ski->of, "NULL,             /* default_POA routine */\n");
-    fprintf(ski->of, "};\n");
-    fprintf(ski->of, "static POA_%s__epv impl_%s_epv = {\nNULL, /* _private */\n", id, id);
-    subski.tree = IDL_INTERFACE(ski->tree).body;
-    cbe_ski_do_list(&subski);
-    fprintf(ski->of, "};");
-    IDL_tree_traverse_parents(ski->tree, (GFunc)&cbe_ski_do_inherited_methods,
-    				ski);
-    break;
-  case PASS_VEPVS:
-    fprintf(ski->of, "static POA_%s__vepv impl_%s_vepv = {\n", id, id);
-    fprintf(ski->of, "&impl_%s_base_epv,\n", id);
-    IDL_tree_traverse_parents(ski->tree, (GFunc)&cbe_ski_do_interface_vepv_entry,
-			      ski);
-    fprintf(ski->of, "};");
-    break;
-    fprintf(ski->of, "static %s impl_%s__create(PortableServer_POA poa, CORBA_Environment *ev)\n", id, id);
-    fprintf(ski->of, "{\n%s retval;\nimpl_POA_%s *newservant;\nPortableServer_ObjectId *objid;\n\n", id, id);
-    fprintf(ski->of, "newservant = g_new0(impl_POA_%s, 1);\n", id);
-    fprintf(ski->of, "newservant->servant.vepv = &impl_%s_vepv;\n", id);
-    fprintf(ski->of, "newservant->poa = (PortableServer_POA) CORBA_Object_duplicate((CORBA_Object)poa, ev);\n");
-    fprintf(ski->of, "POA_%s__init((PortableServer_Servant)newservant, ev);\n", id);
+	switch(ski->pass) {
+		fprintf(ski->of, "typedef struct {\nPOA_%s servant;\nPortableServer_POA poa;\n", id);
+		subski.tree = IDL_INTERFACE(ski->tree).body;
+		cbe_ski_do_list(&subski);
+		IDL_tree_traverse_parents(ski->tree, (GFunc)&cbe_ski_do_inherited_methods,
+					  ski);
+		fprintf(ski->of, "   /* ------ add private attributes here ------ */\n");
+		fprintf(ski->of, "   /* ------ ---------- end ------------ ------ */\n");
+		fprintf(ski->of, "} impl_POA_%s;\n\n", id);
+		break;
+	case PASS_EPVS:
+		fprintf(ski->of,
+			"static PortableServer_ServantBase__epv impl_%s_base_epv = {\n",
+			id);
+		fprintf(ski->of, "NULL,             /* _private data */\n");
+		fprintf(ski->of, "(gpointer) & impl_%s__destroy, /* finalize routine */\n", id);
+		fprintf(ski->of, "NULL,             /* default_POA routine */\n");
+		fprintf(ski->of, "};\n");
+		fprintf(ski->of, "static POA_%s__epv impl_%s_epv = {\nNULL, /* _private */\n", id, id);
+		subski.tree = IDL_INTERFACE(ski->tree).body;
+		cbe_ski_do_list(&subski);
+		fprintf(ski->of, "};");
+		IDL_tree_traverse_parents(ski->tree, (GFunc)&cbe_ski_do_inherited_methods,
+					  ski);
+		break;
+	case PASS_VEPVS:
+		fprintf(ski->of, "static POA_%s__vepv impl_%s_vepv = {\n", id, id);
+		fprintf(ski->of, "&impl_%s_base_epv,\n", id);
+		IDL_tree_traverse_parents(ski->tree, (GFunc)&cbe_ski_do_interface_vepv_entry,
+					  ski);
+		fprintf(ski->of, "};");
+		break;
+		fprintf(ski->of, "static %s impl_%s__create(PortableServer_POA poa, CORBA_Environment *ev)\n", id, id);
+		fprintf(ski->of, "{\n%s retval;\nimpl_POA_%s *newservant;\nPortableServer_ObjectId *objid;\n\n", id, id);
+		fprintf(ski->of, "newservant = g_new0(impl_POA_%s, 1);\n", id);
+		fprintf(ski->of, "newservant->servant.vepv = &impl_%s_vepv;\n", id);
+		fprintf(ski->of, "newservant->poa = (PortableServer_POA) CORBA_Object_duplicate((CORBA_Object)poa, ev);\n");
+		fprintf(ski->of, "POA_%s__init((PortableServer_Servant)newservant, ev);\n", id);
-    fprintf(ski->of, "   /* Before servant is going to be activated all\n");
-    fprintf(ski->of, "    * private attributes must be initialized.  */\n"); 
-    fprintf(ski->of, "\n");
-    fprintf(ski->of, "   /* ------ init private attributes here ------ */\n");
-    fprintf(ski->of, "   /* ------ ---------- end ------------- ------ */\n");
-    fprintf(ski->of, "\n");
-    fprintf(ski->of, "objid = PortableServer_POA_activate_object(poa, newservant, ev);\n");
-    fprintf(ski->of, "CORBA_free(objid);\n");
-    fprintf(ski->of, "retval = PortableServer_POA_servant_to_reference(poa, newservant, ev);\n");
-    fprintf(ski->of, "\nreturn retval;\n}\n\n");
-    fprintf(ski->of, "static void\nimpl_%s__destroy(impl_POA_%s *servant, CORBA_Environment *ev)\n{\n", id, id);
-    fprintf(ski->of, "    CORBA_Object_release ((CORBA_Object) servant->poa, ev);\n\n");
-    fprintf(ski->of, "    /* No further remote method calls are delegated to \n");
-    fprintf(ski->of, "    * servant and you may free your private attributes. */\n");
-    fprintf(ski->of, "   /* ------ free private attributes here ------ */\n");
-    fprintf(ski->of, "   /* ------ ---------- end ------------- ------ */\n");
-    fprintf(ski->of, "\nPOA_%s__fini((PortableServer_Servant)servant, ev);\n", id);
-    fprintf(ski->of, "\ng_free (servant);\n");
-    fprintf(ski->of, "}\n\n");
-    subski.tree = IDL_INTERFACE(ski->tree).body;
-    cbe_ski_do_list(&subski);
-    IDL_tree_traverse_parents(ski->tree, (GFunc)&cbe_ski_do_inherited_methods,
-    				ski);
-    break;
-  case PASS_PROTOS:
-    fprintf(ski->of, "static void impl_%s__destroy(impl_POA_%s *servant,\nCORBA_Environment *ev);\n", id, id);
-    subski.tree = IDL_INTERFACE(ski->tree).body;
-    cbe_ski_do_list(&subski);
-    IDL_tree_traverse_parents(ski->tree, (GFunc)&cbe_ski_do_inherited_methods,
-    				ski);
-    break;
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
+		fprintf(ski->of, "   /* Before servant is going to be activated all\n");
+		fprintf(ski->of, "    * private attributes must be initialized.  */\n"); 
+		fprintf(ski->of, "\n");
+		fprintf(ski->of, "   /* ------ init private attributes here ------ */\n");
+		fprintf(ski->of, "   /* ------ ---------- end ------------- ------ */\n");
+		fprintf(ski->of, "\n");
+		fprintf(ski->of, "objid = PortableServer_POA_activate_object(poa, newservant, ev);\n");
+		fprintf(ski->of, "CORBA_free(objid);\n");
+		fprintf(ski->of, "retval = PortableServer_POA_servant_to_reference(poa, newservant, ev);\n");
+		fprintf(ski->of, "\nreturn retval;\n}\n\n");
+		fprintf(ski->of, "static void\nimpl_%s__destroy(impl_POA_%s *servant, CORBA_Environment *ev)\n{\n", id, id);
+		fprintf(ski->of, "    CORBA_Object_release ((CORBA_Object) servant->poa, ev);\n\n");
+		fprintf(ski->of, "    /* No further remote method calls are delegated to \n");
+		fprintf(ski->of, "    * servant and you may free your private attributes. */\n");
+		fprintf(ski->of, "   /* ------ free private attributes here ------ */\n");
+		fprintf(ski->of, "   /* ------ ---------- end ------------- ------ */\n");
+		fprintf(ski->of, "\nPOA_%s__fini((PortableServer_Servant)servant, ev);\n", id);
+		fprintf(ski->of, "\ng_free (servant);\n");
+		fprintf(ski->of, "}\n\n");
+		subski.tree = IDL_INTERFACE(ski->tree).body;
+		cbe_ski_do_list(&subski);
+		IDL_tree_traverse_parents(ski->tree, (GFunc)&cbe_ski_do_inherited_methods,
+					  ski);
+		break;
+		fprintf(ski->of, "static void impl_%s__destroy(impl_POA_%s *servant,\nCORBA_Environment *ev);\n", id, id);
+		subski.tree = IDL_INTERFACE(ski->tree).body;
+		cbe_ski_do_list(&subski);
+		IDL_tree_traverse_parents(ski->tree, (GFunc)&cbe_ski_do_inherited_methods,
+					  ski);
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
-  g_free(id);
+	g_free(id);

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