#include in IDL?


I've got an IDL file which defines my base types:

module Blah
	interface mytype
		some functions

I need to write various other modules which take these types as arguments:

#include <mytype.idl>
module Blah
	interface myothertype
		void blah(in mytype object);

So, I #include the 'mytype.idl' IDL file in 'myothertype.idl'. The 
problem is, this causes the generated code files of my second module to 
include all of the definitions from the first mytype module, even though 
the second module will be a client of the first.

Is there any way round this easily, besides manually editing all of the 
skelimpl, .h etc files to remove the references to these types, and then 
including the correct .h files? Would it not be better to map IDL 
#include's into C #includes, or is this against the CORBA C mapping spec?


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