Re: copying a structure

Hi Peter,

On Wed, 2003-07-16 at 15:17, Peter Van Osta wrote:
> Is it possible to receive a structure by the client from the server ?

	Of course.

> In the client I have declared some static structures of the same type as
> some which I get back form the server. However I cannot do &mystruct =
> get_struct_from_server( ... ); 

	Right - although 'static' variables are mostly a menace.

> I have to declare a structure *pointstruct and then use pointstruct =
> get_struct_from_server( ... ); Afterwards I have to copy all the
> elements of the structure "pointstruct" to "mystruct" one by one. The
> next best thing would be to copy "pointstruct" intto "mystruct" in one
> command, but the structures contain strings, so that would need special
> CORBA-care ?

	So - there are several approaches, here is a simple one:

static MyType *ptr= NULL;

CORBA_free (ptr);
ptr = MyMethod_getStruct (obj, ev);
if (ev->_major != CORBA_NO_EXCEPTION)
    ptr = NULL;

	Thus you don't bother with the copying action, but just use a static

	We have primitives inside the orb to do type informed deep structure
copying, but we don't expose any that don't allocate eg.
ORBit_copy_value, precisely because people get confused about ownership
/ lifecycle.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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