ORBit transfer of image data - more info please


I don't seem to get it right to transfer images from the server to the
client, on the client side I ahve the following code:

static gboolean ezx_read_image( guchar *im, guchar *name, gint width,
gint height )

	Ezx_EzxImgObj img;
	Ezx_EzxRdrDatastoreObj strg;
	CORBA_short ret = 0;
	CORBA_char *message = NULL;
        CORBA_Environment ev = {0};
	img.width = ( CORBA_long )width;
	img.height = ( CORBA_long )height;
	img.depth = ( CORBA_long )1;
	img.slice = ( CORBA_long )0;
	img.axis = ( CORBA_short )0;
	img.clut = ( CORBA_long )0;
	img.data._maximum = width * height * 3;
	img.data._length = width * height * 3;
	img.data._release = TRUE;
	img.data._buffer = CORBA_sequence_CORBA_octet_allocbuf(
img.data._length );
	ret = Ezx_Srvr_ReadImage( server, &img, &strg, &message, &ev );

	/* ++++ transfer "img.data._buffer" to "im" ++++ */

	if( message )
		CORBA_free( message );

	CORBA_free( img.data._buffer );

	return( TRUE );

On the server side I just put the following code for a test, but all I
get is a "core" dump:

static CORBA_short impl_Ezx_Srvr_ReadImage(impl_POA_Ezx_Srvr * servant,
			Ezx_EzxImgObj * Ezximg,
			Ezx_EzxRdrDatastoreObj * Ezxstrg,
			CORBA_char ** message, CORBA_Environment * ev)
	CORBA_short retval = ( CORBA_short )IE_OK;

fprintf( stdout, "Line %d\n", __LINE__ );

	return retval;

Met vriendelijke groet,
Best regards,

Peter Van Osta

Union Biometrica N.V./S.A.
European Scientific Operations (ESO)
Cipalstraat 3
B-2440 Geel
Tel.: +32 (0)14 570 619
Fax.: +32 (0)14 570 621



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