Error while compiling sample bonobo program...

   I am trying to compile a sample Bonobo program. I took
the sample program from bonobo/samples/controls and tried
to compile it. But I am getting the foll error:

gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I..
-DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"Echo\"  -I. -I../bonobo
-I. -I..                                -I..
-g  -I/opt/gnome-2.0/include -c echo.c

echo.c: In function `echo_get_type':
echo.c:115: too few arguments to function
make: *** [echo.o] Error 1

Actually I am using bonobo_x_type_unique() 
in the foll. piece of code.

echo_get_type (void)
    static GType type = 0;

    if (!type) {
        GTypeInfo info = {
            sizeof (EchoClass),
            (GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
            (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
            (GClassInitFunc) echo_class_init,
            NULL, NULL,
            sizeof (Echo),0,
            (GInstanceInitFunc) echo_init,

ln:115==>   type = bonobo_x_type_unique (
            POA_Bonobo_Sample_Echo__init, NULL,
            GTK_STRUCT_OFFSET (EchoClass, epv),
            &info, 1);


    return type;


        Could anyone pls tell me what could be the problem. 


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