Re: cpp in HEAD?

On Wed, 2002-07-17 at 15:49, Murray Cumming wrote:
> 1. It will probably take us 2 more weeks to get orbit-cpp-cactus ready
> anyway, but I wanted to start the discussion as soon as possible.

Gergo (Cactus) has completed this ahead of schedule. libbonobo*mm now
works with orbit-cpp-cactus. So we have a usable and sane ORBit2 C++
branch. I really want to put this somewhere more accessible.
> 2. These branching issues don't feel like good enough reasons to keep
> the cpp stuff out for yet more months or even weeks. We patiently waited
> until "after GNOME2" and now it's time to get things moving.
> 3. They only exist in the same module so that they can share non-public
> API. The cpp stuff will not affect the C stuff. At the moment our
> headers even have .hh prefixes, so it's obvious when we edit a .h/.cc
> file instead of a .hh/.cc file.

Murray Cumming

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