Re: Any better example?

Anders Selander <> wrote:
> do one really need to generate the *-skelimpl.c, alter it to contain
> the object functionality, and then include it in the top-level
> server source?

You need to have the object implementation *somewhere* of course.
Instead of including the generated *-skelimpl.c file in your server.c
file, you could change the _create() function to be non-static, declare
that function in the server file or a header file, compile the
*-skelimpl.c seperately and link it in with the server.

> I do not like that at all, the same way I do not like
> the CORBA-methods in Perl that begin with an underscore.

These method names are specified by the OMG, and as far as I know they
start with underscores in every language mapping.
Sam "Eddie" Couter  |
Debian Developer    |
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