some string works, some not ;-(


I'm somehow new to CORBA and ORBit and have to use it
together with the Perl module CORBA-ORBit-0.4.3 of
Owen Taylor. I use ORBit-0.5.10 on Linux for now, later
it should run on Solaris.
(Same behaviour with ORBit-0.5.7, ORBit-0.5.8)

I started with a really small test system with a client
and a server and an IDL with just one method.

module Test
  interface Test1
    string Method1( in string a );

The method just converts the string a into upper case and
returns it. And then, for some string the thing works fine,
with some it throws an expection:

Good case:
who@voldemor:~/Sources/CORBA/test$ ./client test

Bad case:
who@voldemor:~/Sources/CORBA/test$ ./client test123
Exception: CORBA::BAD_PARAM ('')
   An invalid parameter was passed

At the server-side I see:
who@voldemor:~/Sources/CORBA/test$ ./server
incomplete message received at ./server line 51.

>From my point of view the length of the string couldn't be the problem alone:

Good case:
who@voldemor:~/Sources/CORBA/test$ ./client abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

I checked the GIOP packets with Ethereal and have the feeling that
the client sends good stuff.

Does this sounds familiar to one of you? Do you think its a problem
of ORBit, of the Perl module or of my brain-damaged code (so few lines
that I will include it below)?

Can someone help?


my test code:

module Test
  interface Test1
    string Method1( in string a );


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use CORBA::ORBit idl => [ qw(Test.idl) ];

package MyTest;

@MyTest::ISA = qw(POA_Test::Test1);

use Error qw (:try);
use Data::Dumper;

sub new
  my $class = shift;

  my $self = {};

  bless $self, $class;

  return $self;

sub Method1
  my $self = shift;
  my $input = shift;

  my $output = uc $input;

  return $output;

package main;

use Error qw(:try);

my $orb = CORBA::ORB_init("orbit-local-orb");
my $poa = $orb->resolve_initial_references("RootPOA");

$servant = new MyTest;
$id = $poa->activate_object($servant);
$ref = $orb->object_to_string($poa->id_to_reference($id));

open (OUT, ">test.ref");
print OUT $ref;
close OUT;



#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use CORBA::ORBit idl => [ qw(Test.idl) ];

use Error qw (:try);

use strict;

my $orb = CORBA::ORB_init("orbit-local-orb");

open IOR, "test.ref";
my $ior = <IOR>;
close IOR;

my $test = $orb->string_to_object($ior);
my $a = shift;
print $test->Method1($a) . "\n";

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