Re: object existence - PLEASE HELP ME!

Hi, Samuele:

Samuele Gallazzi wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've a question: if I create an object and I bind it with the CosNaming from
> a skel-impl method, does this object exist when I use it from another
> method?

The object's life cycle is determined by the POA the object is registered in.
However, you can provide objects with a "destroy" operation that automatically
remove themselves from the POA.

So, the answer is yes: it exists. Object life cycle is not determined by the
method/object in which it is created.

> Or is it dead beacause it ends when the method (the one that created the
> object) terminates?

No. Method termination has nothing to do with object life cycle.

> It's quite confuse... I hope anyone'll understand me...

I think I understand you. I could explain it with somewhat more
detail. However, first of all, you should have clear the difference between
"reference" and "object" in the CORBA world. Without those concepts clear, it
is difficult to explain well what's happening.

> And does the CORBA_Object_Release function definitly destroy the object?

No. It indicates that you are not interested any more in the reference on which
you applicate this function. References are remote representatives (or
proxies) of the remote CORBA object.

> Is
> it the only method to destroy an object?

Object destruction must be carried out in the server and dealing with the POA
in which you registered the object.

> Thanks for any suggestion
> Samuele

    Thanks to you. You should read all above and then ask what exactly you
don't understand right now...

    Best regards.

Diego Sevilla Ruiz -- --
Dep. Ingeniería y Tecnología de Computadores, Facultad de Informática Murcia,Campus Espinardo,30080 Murcia (SPAIN),Tel.+34968367658
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