Re: Private variable ?


I think the effort of parsing the generated C files with 
--skeleton-impl to see if the various functions need to be 
reimplemented is almost certainly too great.  It is a difficult
problem to which I think there are better potential solutions.

I considered this issue almost 12 months ago and come up
with an alternative solution.  Fundamental to the solution
was that I wanted to be able to take a standalone program
(non client/server) add a few bits and pieces and an *.idl 
file and generate a client server pair. (Its easier to test
a standalone program).

To cut a long story short, I worked on some perl scripts to do 
this, got it to a crudely acceptable state for myself and then 
promptly ran out of time to continue to develop it.  I have
attached the necessary files and test case below. So that others
can do with it as they wish.  I will be coming back to further
develop this, probably around August.  So if someone does take
this idea up please let me know.  If people think this is a
very silly idea and there is something way better, then please
say so (and why!)


   To generate server:  idl-scanner --standalone-server test tco.idl example.c
   To generate client:  idl-scanner --client tclient tco.idl example.c

Dr Andrew Bainbridge-Smith
Senior Research Engineer 
Machine Vision Group
CSIRO Manufacturing Science and Technology


#  Copyright Andrew Bainbridge-Smith and CSIRO
#  28 March 2001
#  May be distributed under GPL licence
#  I would appreciate your comments if you use this code
#    idl-scanner [--standalone-server | --server | --client] 
#                output-filename-prefix idl-file *.c-input-source-files
#    The default option is standalone-server which generates a
#    server source file with a main() body.
#    The --server option does not generate a main(), helpful if this
#    is going to be made else where.
#    The --client option generates the client code, and main().
#    Note:  the input c source files must be heavily commented
#    with the structured comments as given in the test case.

#######################      FORWARD REFERENCES       #######################
sub ScanImplementationPreamble;
sub ProcessPreamble;
sub GobbleSection;
sub ProcessTemplate;
sub ProcessServerTemplate;
sub ScanIDL;
sub ProcessBalanceGroup;
sub InsertServices;

##############################      MAIN       ##############################
my $i;

if ($ARGV[0] =~ /--/)
    $flags = shift(@ARGV);
    $flags = "--standalone-server";

     $flags =~ /--standalone-server/ &&
	 do {
	     $standalone_server = 1;
	     $make_server = 1;
	     last SWITCH;
     $flags =~ /--server/ &&
	 do {
	     $standalone_server = 0;
	     $make_server = 1;
	     last SWITCH;
     $flags =~ /--client/ &&
	 do {
	     $standalone_server = 0;
	     $make_server = 0;
	     last SWITCH;

$outfile = shift(@ARGV);
if ($outfile !~ /^-$/)
    open (SERVER, "> $outfile")
	or die ("Can't open ($outfile) file for output\n");
    select (SERVER);

$idl_file = shift(@ARGV);
($basename, $ignore) = split(/[.]/, $idl_file);

$num_service_calls = 0;

# Scan IDL File forming lists of interface ids, type definitions and stubs
#   Results returned in global variables
#      $num_of_interfaces
#      @interface_ids
#      %typedef_table
#      %num_of_stubs
#      @%stub_return_container
#      @%stub_name_container
#      @%stub_para_container

# Scan preamble section of the Implementation file forming lists of 
# poas, naming components, and sections: include, constants, data structures,
# function prototypes, global variables
#   Results returned in global variables
#      @%server_preamble_list
#      @%client_reamble_list
#      %use_local_poa
#      %num_NS_components
#      %poa_id
#      @%naming_component_id
#      @%naming_component_kind
while ($#ARGV >= 0)
    $implementation = shift(@ARGV);
    push(@implementation_list, $implementation);

# Write server skeleton code
if ($make_server == 1)
    ProcessTemplate ("server.template");
    ProcessTemplate ("client.template");

for ($i=0; $i <= $#implementation_list; $i++)
    $implementation_file = $implementation_list[$i];


if ($outfile !~ /^-$/)
    close (SERVER);

##########################      END OF MAIN       ###########################

########################      PROCESS TEMPLATE       ########################
sub ProcessTemplate
    my $i;
    my $j;
    my $scanline;
    my ($template_file) = @_;
    my $section_name;
    my $section_size;
    my @section;

    open (TEMPLATE, "< $template_file")
	or die ("Can't open server template file: $template_file");
    while ($scanline = <TEMPLATE>)
	  $scanline =~ /<creation string>/i &&
	      do {
		  printf ("/******************************************************************************/\n");
		  printf ("/*  %72s  */\n", "");
		  printf ("/*  %-72s  */\n", "Automatically generated");
		  printf ("/*      %s*/\n", "on " . qx{date});
		  printf ("/*      %s*/\n", "by " . qx{whoami});
		  printf ("/*  %72s  */\n", "");
		  printf ("/******************************************************************************/\n");
	  $scanline =~ /<include>/i &&
	      do {
		  print ("$scanline");
		  $section_name = "<include>";
		  GobbleSection ($section_name, \$section_size, \ section, 
		  ProcessServerTemplate ($section_name, $section_size, \ section);
	  $scanline =~ /<constants>/i &&
	      do {
		  print ("$scanline");
		  $section_name = "<constants>";
		  GobbleSection ($section_name, \$section_size, \ section, 
		  ProcessServerTemplate ($section_name, $section_size, \ section);
	  $scanline =~ /<data structures>/i &&
	      do {
		  print ("$scanline");
		  $section_name = "<data structures>";
		  GobbleSection ($section_name, \$section_size, \ section, 
		  ProcessServerTemplate ($section_name, $section_size, \ section);
	  $scanline =~ /<function prototypes>/i &&
	      do {
		  print ("$scanline");
		  $section_name = "<function prototypes>";
		  GobbleSection ($section_name, \$section_size, \ section, 
		  ProcessServerTemplate ($section_name, $section_size, \ section);
	  $scanline =~ /<global variables>/i &&
	      do {
		  print ("$scanline");
		  $section_name = "<global variables>";
		  GobbleSection ($section_name, \$section_size, \ section, 
		  ProcessServerTemplate ($section_name, $section_size, \ section);
	  $scanline =~ /<implementation>/i &&
	      do {
		  $section_name = "<implementation>";
		  GobbleSection ($section_name, \$section_size, \ section, 
		  ProcessServerTemplate ($section_name, $section_size, \ section);
	  $scanline =~ /<standalone server>/i && ($standalone_server == 1) &&
	      do {
		  $section_name = "<standalone server>";
		  GobbleSection ($section_name, \$section_size, \ section, 
		  for ($i = 0; $i < $section_size; $i = $i + 1)
		      if ($section[$i] =~ /<interface id>/i)
			  for ($j = 0; $j < $num_of_interfaces; $j = $j +1)
			      my $template = $section[$i];
			      $template =~ s/<interface id>/$interface_ids[$j]/eig;
			      print ("$template");
			  print ("$section[$i]");

    close (TEMPLATE);

#########################      GOBBLE SECTION       #########################
sub GobbleSection
    my ($section_name, $section_size_ref, $section_ref, $IO_HANDLE) = @_;
    my $scanline;

    $$section_size_ref = 0;
    @$section_ref = ();
    while ($scanline = <$IO_HANDLE>)
	if ($scanline =~ /$section_name/i)
	    last GOBBLE;
	elsif ($scanline =~ /<sub section>/i)
	    $$section_ref[$$section_size_ref] = "";
	    while ($scanline = <$IO_HANDLE>)
		if ($scanline =~ /<sub section>/i)
		    $$section_size_ref = $$section_size_ref + 1;
		    last SUBGOBBLE;
		    $$section_ref[$$section_size_ref] = 
			$$section_ref[$$section_size_ref] . $scanline;
	    $$section_ref[$$section_size_ref] = $scanline;
	    $$section_size_ref = $$section_size_ref + 1;

########################      PROCESS SECTION       #########################
sub ProcessServerTemplate
    my ($section_name, $section_size, $section_ref) = @_;
    my $implementation_section;
    my $i;
    my $j;
    my $k;

    if ($make_server == 1)
	$implementation_section = @server_preamble_list{$section_name};
	$implementation_section = @client_preamble_list{$section_name};

    while ($#$implementation_section >= 0)
	print (shift(@$implementation_section));

    my $counter = 1;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $section_size; $i = $i + 1)
	if ($$section_ref[$i] =~ /<interface id>/)
	    $counter = $num_of_interfaces;

    for ($i = 0; $i < $counter; $i = $i +1)
	my $id = $interface_ids[$i];
	my $ns = $num_of_stubs{$id};
	my $stub_name = @stub_name_container{$id};
	my $stub_return= @stub_return_container{$id};
	my $stub_para = @stub_para_container{$id};
	if (defined($use_local_poa{$id}))
	    $local_poa_id = "<interface id>_poa";
	    $local_poa_id = "root_poa";
	if (!defined($num_NS_components{$id}))
	    $num_NS_components{$id} = 1;
	    $naming_component_id{$id}[0] = "$id";
	    $naming_component_kind{$id}[0] = "server";
	my $ns_id = @naming_component_id{$id};
	my $ns_kind = @naming_component_kind{$id};
	my @tsection = @$section_ref;
	my $substitution_counter = 0;
	while ($substitution_counter != $section_size)
	    $substitution_counter = 0;
	    for ($j = 0; $j < $section_size; $j = $j + 1)
	      SWITCH: {
		  $tsection[$j] =~ s/<interface id>/$id/gi &&
		      do {
			  last SWITCH;
		  $tsection[$j] =~ /<if standalone server>/i &&
		      do {
			  if ($standalone_server == 1)
			      $tsection[$j] =~ s/<if standalone server>/ /gi;
			      $tsection[$j] = "";
			  last SWITCH;
		  $tsection[$j] =~ s/<basename>/$basename/gi &&
		      do {
			  last SWITCH;
		  $tsection[$j] =~ /<stubname>/i &&
		      do {
			  my $accum = "";
			      for ($k = 0; $k < $ns; $k = $k + 1)
				  my $template = $tsection[$j];
				  $template =~ s/<stubname>/$stub_name_container{$id}[$k]/ei;
				  $template =~ s/<stub return>/$stub_return_container{$id}[$k]/ei;
				  $template =~ s/<stub parameters>/$stub_para_container{$id}[$k]/ei;
				  $template =~ s/,[ \t\n]*,/,/i;
				  $accum = $accum . $template;
			  $tsection[$j] = $accum;
			  last SWITCH;
		  $tsection[$j] =~ /<if local poa>/i &&
		      do {
			  if (defined($use_local_poa{$id}))
			      $tsection[$j] =~ s/<if local poa>//gi;
			      $tsection[$j] = "";
			  last SWITCH;
		  $tsection[$j] =~ s/<local number NS components>/$num_NS_components{$id}/gi &&
		      do {
			  last SWITCH;
		  $tsection[$j] =~ s/<local poa id>/$local_poa_id/egi &&
		      do {
			  last SWITCH;
		  $tsection[$j] =~ /<step NS component>/i &&
		      do {
			  my $accum = "";
			      for ($k = 0; $k < $num_NS_components{$id}; $k = $k + 1)
				  my $template = $tsection[$j];
				  $template =~ s/<step NS component>/$k/gie;
				  $template =~ s/<local name component id>/$$ns_id[$k]/gie;
				  $template =~ s/<local name component kind>/$$ns_kind[$k]/gie;
				  $accum = $accum . $template;
			  $tsection[$j] = $accum;
			  last SWITCH;
		  $substitution_counter = $substitution_counter + 1;
	for ($j = 0; $j < $section_size; $j = $j + 1)
	    print ("$tsection[$j]");

#########################      INSERT SERVICES       ########################
sub InsertServices
    my $i;
    my $scanline;
    my ($implementation_file) = @_;
    my $function_head = "";
    my $function_body = "";
    my $section_name;
    my $section_size;
    my @section;
    open (IMPLEMENTATION, "< $implementation_file")
	or die ("Can't open implementation file for input: $implementation_file");
    while ($scanline = <IMPLEMENTATION>)
	  $scanline =~ /<service[ \t]+([\w:]+)>|<service>/i &&
	      do {
		  $function_head = "";
		  $function_body = "";
		  $section_name = "<service>";
		  @section = ();
		  GobbleSection ($section_name, \$section_size, \ section, 
		  if (defined($1))
		      my @parts = split(/::/, $1);
		      my $id = shift(@parts);
		      while ($#parts > 0)
			  $id = join('_', $id, shift(@parts));
		      my $func = join('_', $id, shift(@parts));
		      my $ns = $num_of_stubs{$id};
		      my $stub_names = @stub_name_container{$id};
		      my $stub_returns= @stub_return_container{$id};
		      my $stub_paras = @stub_para_container{$id};

		      while (($line = shift(@section)) !~ /\{/gc)
			  $function_head = $function_head . $line;
		      $function_head = $function_head . 
			  substr($line, 0, pos($line)-1);
		      $function_body = substr($line, pos($line)-1);
		      $function_body = join('', $function_body, @section);

		      $function_head = join(' ', split(/[ \n\t]/, $function_head));
		      if ($function_head =~ /^[ ]*([\w ]+)[ ]+([\w]+)[ ]*\(.*\)[ ]*$/)
			  my $impl_func = $2;
			  my $count = 0;
			  $count++, while ($func ne $$stub_names[$count]);
			  $function_head = "static $$stub_returns[$count] impl_$func\n" .
			      "  \(POAHooks_$id* servant,\n" .
				  "   $$stub_paras[$count],\n" .
				      "   CORBA_Environment* ev)\n";
			  $function_head =~ s/,[ \t\n]*,/,/gi;
			  $service_call[$num_service_calls][0] = $id;
			  $service_call[$num_service_calls][1] = $func;
			  $service_call[$num_service_calls][2] = $impl_func;
		      $function_body = join('', @section);
		  print ($function_head, $function_body), if ($make_server == 1);
	  $scanline =~ /<client>/i &&
	      do {
		  $function_head = "";
		  $function_body = "";
		  $section_name = "<client>";
		  @section = ();
		  GobbleSection ($section_name, \$section_size, \ section, 
		  for ($i=0; $i < $section_size; $i++)
		      for ($j=0; $j < $num_service_calls; $j++)
			  $section[$i] =~ s/([ \t\n]+)($service_call[$j][2])[ \t\n]*\(([\w,\"\& \t\n]*)\)[ \t\n]*;/$1$service_call[$j][1]\($service_call[$j][0]_object, $3, \&ev\);\n  if(ev._major != CORBA_NO_EXCEPTION) \{ fprintf(stderr, "Corba exception:: %s: %s\n", (ev._major == CORBA_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION ? "System" : "User"), CORBA_exception_id(&ev));  exit(1);\}/g;
			  $section[$i] =~ s/,[ \t\n]*,/,/g;
		      if ($section[$i] =~ /<corba init>/gi)
			  ProcessTemplate ("clientmain.template"),
			  if ($make_server == 0);
			  print ("$section[$i]"), if ($make_server == 0);



##################      SCAN IMPLEMENTATION PREAMBLE       ##################
# Scan preamble section of the Implementation file forming lists of 
# poas, naming components, and sections: include, constants, data structures,
# function prototypes, global variables
#   Results returned in global variables
#      @%server_preamble_list
#      @%client_preamble_list
#      %use_local_poa
#      %num_NS_components
#      %poa_id
#      @%naming_component_id
#      @%naming_component_kind
sub ScanImplementationPreamble
    my $implementation_file = @_[0];
    my $i;
    my $j;
    my $section;
    my $section_size;
    my $scanline;

    open (IMPLEMENTATION, "< $implementation_file")
	or die ("Can't open implementation file for input: $implementation_file");

    while ($scanline = <IMPLEMENTATION>)
	    $scanline =~ /<include>/i &&
		do {
		    $section_name = "<include>";
		    GobbleSection ($section_name, \$section_size, \ section, 
		    ProcessPreamble ($section_name, $section_size, \ section);
		    last SECTION_SWITCH;
	    $scanline =~ /<constants>/i &&
		do {
		    $section_name = "<constants>";
		    GobbleSection ($section_name, \$section_size, \ section, 
		    ProcessPreamble ($section_name, $section_size, \ section);
		    last SECTION_SWITCH;
	    $scanline =~ /<data structures>/i &&
		do {
		    $section_name = "<data structures>";
		    GobbleSection ($section_name, \$section_size, \ section, 
		    ProcessPreamble ($section_name, $section_size, \ section);
		    last SECTION_SWITCH;
	    $scanline =~ /<function prototypes>/i &&
		do {
		    $section_name = "<function prototypes>";
		    GobbleSection ($section_name, \$section_size, \ section, 
		    ProcessPreamble ($section_name, $section_size, \ section);
		    last SECTION_SWITCH;
	    $scanline =~ /<global variables>/i &&
		do {
		    $section_name = "<global variables>";
		    GobbleSection ($section_name, \$section_size, \ section, 
		    ProcessPreamble ($section_name, $section_size, \ section);
		    last SECTION_SWITCH;
	    $scanline =~ /<naming components[ \t]+([\w:]+)>/i &&
		do {
		    my $id = join('_', split(/::/, $1));
		    $section_name = "<naming components>";
		    GobbleSection ($section_name, \$section_size, \ section, 
		    for ($j=0; $j < $section_size; $j++)
			$naming_component_id{$id}[$j] = $1,
			$naming_component_kind{$id}[$j] = $2,
			if ($section[$j] =~ /<namepair[ \t]+([\w]+)[ \t]+([\w]+)>/i);
		    $num_NS_components{$id} = $section_size;
		    last SECTION_SWITCH;
	    $scanline =~ /<use local poa[ \t]*([\w:]+)>/i &&
		do {
		    my $id = join('_', split(/::/, $1));
		    $use_local_poa{$id} = 1;
	    $scanline =~ /<end of preamble>/ &&
		do {
		    last PREAMBLE;


########################      PROCESS SECTION       #########################
sub ProcessPreamble
    my ($section_name, $section_size, $section_ref) = @_;
    my $i;
    my $j;
    my @tsection = @$section_ref;

    for ($j=0; $j < $section_size; $j++)
	my $server_section_ref = @server_preamble_list{$section_name};
	my $client_section_ref = @client_preamble_list{$section_name};

      SWITCH: {
	  $tsection[$j] =~ s/<server[ \t]+only>//gi &&
	      do {
		  if (!defined($server_section_ref))
		      $server_preamble_list{$section_name}[0] = $tsection[$j];
		      push(@$server_section_ref, $tsection[$j]);
		  last SWITCH;
	  $tsection[$j] =~ s/<client[ \t]+only>//gi &&
	      do {
		  if (!defined($client_section_ref))
		      $client_preamble_list{$section_name}[0] = $tsection[$j];
		      push(@$client_section_ref, $tsection[$j]);
		  last SWITCH;
	  if (!defined($server_section_ref))
	      $server_preamble_list{$section_name}[0] = $tsection[$j];
	      push(@$server_section_ref, $tsection[$j]);
	  if (!defined($client_section_ref))
	      $client_preamble_list{$section_name}[0] = $tsection[$j];
	      push(@$client_section_ref, $tsection[$j]);

############################      SCAN IDL       ############################
# Scan IDL File forming lists of interface ids, type definitions and stubs
#   Results returned in global variables
#      $num_of_interfaces
#      @interface_ids
#      %num_of_stubs
#      @%stub_return_container
#      @%stub_name_container
#      @%stub_para_container
sub ScanIDL
    my $idl_file = @_[0];
    $typedef_table{"void"}[0] = "void";
    $typedef_table{"short"}[0] = "CORBA_short";
    $typedef_table{"unsigned short"}[0] = "CORBA_unsigned_short";
    $typedef_table{"long"}[0] = "CORBA_long";
    $typedef_table{"unsigned long"}[0] = "CORBA_unsigned_long";
    $typedef_table{"long long"}[0] = "CORBA_long_long";
    $typedef_table{"unsigned long long"}[0] = "CORBA_unsigned_long_long";
    $typedef_table{"float"}[0] = "CORBA_float";
    $typedef_table{"double"}[0] = "CORBA_double";
    $typedef_table{"long double"}[0] = "CORBA_long_double";
    $typedef_table{"boolean"}[0] = "CORBA_boolean";
    $typedef_table{"octet"}[0] = "CORBA_octet";
    $typedef_table{"char"}[0] = "CORBA_char";
    $typedef_table{"string"}[0] = "CORBA_char*";
    $local_symbol_size = 0;
    open (IDL, "< $idl_file")
	or die ("Can't open server implementation file for input: $idl_file");
    $num_of_interfaces = 0;
    $group{"\{"} = 0;
    $group{"\}"} = 0;
    $group{"\["} = 0;
    $group{"\]"} = 0;
    $group{"\("} = 0;
    $group{"\)"} = 0;
    $group{"\/\*"} = 0;
    $group{"\*\/"} = 0;
    $group{";"} = 0;
    $pstring = "";
    $processed = 1;
    while ($scanline = <IDL>)
	while ($scanline =~ /\\$/)
	    $scanline = $scanline . <IDL>;
	$scanline = "", if ($scanline =~ /\#[ ]*define/);
	@line = split(/[ \t\n]+/, $scanline);
	push(@list, @line);
	while (($#list >= 0) && ($processed == 1))
	    do {
		$string = shift(@list);
		    $y = substr($string, pos($string)-1,1),
		    $group{$y}++, redo LOOP1,
		    if ($string =~ /[\{\}\[\]\(\);]|\/\*|\*\//gc);
		$pstring = join(' ', $pstring, $string);
	    } while (((($group{"\{"} != $group{"\}"}) &&
		       ($group{"\["} != $group{"\]"}) &&
		       ($group{"\("} != $group{"\)"}) &&
		       ($group{"\/\*"} != $group{"\*\/"})) ||
		      ($group{";"} == 0)) && ($#list >= 0));
	    if (($group{"\{"} == $group{"\}"}) &&
		($group{"\["} == $group{"\]"}) &&
		($group{"\("} == $group{"\)"}))
		$processed = ProcessBalanceGroup(\$pstring);
		@line = split(/[ \t\n]+/, $pstring);
		unshift(@list, @line);
		$pstring = "";
		$group{"\{"} = 0;
		$group{"\}"} = 0;
		$group{"\["} = 0;
		$group{"\]"} = 0;
		$group{"\("} = 0;
		$group{"\)"} = 0;
		$group{"\/\*"} = 0;
		$group{"\*\/"} = 0;
		$group{";"} = 0;
	$processed = 1;
    if (length($pstring) != 0)
	print (STDERR "Error: Group unbalanced\n");
	print (STDERR "$pstring\n");
    if ($#list >= 0)
	print (STDERR "Error: unprocessed\n");
	while ($#list >=0)
	    print (STDERR " >  ", shift(@list));
	print (STDERR "\n\n");

##############      Collect Tokens into a balanced group       ##############
sub ProcessBalanceGroup
    my ($string_ref) = @_;
    my $processed = 0;
	$$string_ref =~ /^[ ]*module[ ]+([\w]+)[ ]*\{(.+)\}[ ]*;$/gci && 
	    do {
		$module_id = $1;
		$id = $1;
		$local_symbol_list{"$local_symbol_size"}[0] = ();
		$$string_ref = $2 . "<pop local symbols>;";
		$processed = 1;
		last SWITCH;
	$$string_ref =~ /^[ ]*<pop local symbols>;$/gci &&
	    do {
		$symbol_ref = @local_symbol_list{"$local_symbol_size"};
		while ($#$symbol_ref >= 0)
		    $key = shift(@$symbol_ref);
		    $types_ref = @typedef_table{$key};
		$$string_ref = "";
		$processed = 1;
		last SWITCH;

	$$string_ref =~ /^[ ]*typedef[ ]+([ \w]+)[ ]+([\w]+)([ ]*|[ ]*\[[ ]*[\w]+[ ]*\]);$/gci && 
	    do {
		$types_ref = @typedef_table{$2};
		if (!defined($types_ref))
		    $typedef_table{$2}[0] = join('_',$id, $2);
		    push(@$types_ref, join('_',$id, $2));
		$symbol_ref = @local_symbol_list{"$local_symbol_size"};
		push(@$symbol_ref, $2);
		$$string_ref = "";
		$processed = 1;
		last SWITCH;
	$$string_ref =~ /^[ ]*struct[ ]+([\w]+)[ ]*\{.*\}[ ]*;$/gci && 
	    do {
		$types_ref = @typedef_table{$1};
		if (!defined($types_ref))
		    $typedef_table{$1}[0] = join('_',$id, $1);
		    push(@$types_ref, join('_',$id, $1));
		$symbol_ref = @local_symbol_list{"$local_symbol_size"};
		push(@$symbol_ref, $1);
		$$string_ref = "";
		$processed = 1;
		last SWITCH;
	$$string_ref =~ /^[ ]*enum[ ]+([\w]+)[ ]*\{.*\}[ ]*;$/gci && 
	    do {
		$types_ref = @typedef_table{$1};
		if (!defined($types_ref))
		    $typedef_table{$1}[0] = join('_',$id, $1);
		    push(@$types_ref, join('_',$id, $1));
		$symbol_ref = @local_symbol_list{"$local_symbol_size"};
		push(@$symbol_ref, $1);
		$$string_ref = "";
		$processed = 1;
		last SWITCH;

	$$string_ref =~ /^[ ]*interface[ ]+([\w]+)[ ]*\{(.+)\}[ ]*;$/gci && 
	    do {
		$id = join("_", $module_id, $1);
		@interface_ids[$num_of_interfaces] = $id;
		$num_of_interfaces = $num_of_interfaces+1;
		$local_symbol_list{"$local_symbol_size"}[0] = ();
		$$string_ref = $2 . "<pop local symbols>;";
		$processed = 1;
		last SWITCH;
	$$string_ref =~ /^[ ]*([ \w]+)[ ]+([\w]+)[ ]*\(([ \w,]*)\)[ ]*;$/gci &&
	    do {
		$para_list = $3;
		$func_name = join ('_', $id, $2);
		$types_ref = @typedef_table{$1};
		$return = $$types_ref[$#types_ref];
		$para = "";
		    if ($para_list =~ /[ ]*([\w]+)[ ]+([ \w]+)[ ]+([\w]+)[ ]*($|,)/gci)
			$types_ref = @typedef_table{$2};
			if (!defined($types_ref))
			    $type = join('_', $id, $2);
			    print (STDERR "WARNING: using potentially unknown data type ($type)\n");
			    $type = $$types_ref[$#types_ref];
			$var_name = $3;
			if ($1 =~ /out/) {$type = $type . "*";}
			$para = $para . $type . " " . $var_name. ", ";
			redo PARA_LOOP;
		chop($para); chop($para);
		$stub_return_container{$id}[$num_of_stubs{$id}] = $return;
		$stub_name_container{$id}[$num_of_stubs{$id}] = $func_name;
		$stub_para_container{$id}[$num_of_stubs{$id}] = $para;
		$$string_ref = "";
		$processed = 1;
		last SWITCH;

	$$string_ref =~ s/\/\*.*\*\///gci && 
	    do {
		$processed = 1;
		last SWITCH;

    return $processed;
/*  <creation string>                                                         */
/*  Copyright Andrew Bainbridge-Smith and CSIRO,  28 March 2001               */
/*  Distributed under GPL licence                                             */

/*  <include>                                                                 */
<sub section>
<if standalone server>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
<sub section>

#include <orb/orbit.h>
#include <ORBitservices/CosNaming.h>

#include "<basename>.h"

/*  <include>                                                                 */

/*  <constants>                                                               */
<sub section>
<if standalone server>
#define ORBIT_NAME_SERVER_DAEMONIZER         "./nsd"
#define MAX_IOR_LENGTH                       1024
<sub section>

/*  <constants>                                                               */

/*  <data structures>                                                         */
typedef struct {
   POA_<interface id> servant;
   PortableServer_POA poa;
} POAHooks_<interface id>;

/*  <data structures>                                                         */

/*  <function prototypes>                                                     */
static <interface id> <interface id>__create
  (PortableServer_POA poa,
   CORBA_Environment* ev);

static void <interface id>__destroy
  (POAHooks_<interface id>* servant,
   CORBA_Environment* ev);

static void <interface id>_server_init
  (CORBA_ORB          orb,
   CORBA_Environment* ev);

<sub section>
static <stub return> impl_<stubname>
  (POAHooks_<interface id>* servant, 
   <stub parameters>, 
   CORBA_Environment* ev);
<sub section>
/*  <function prototypes>                                                     */

/*  <function prototypes>                                                     */
<if standalone server>int get_naming_service_ior(char ior[]);
/*  <function prototypes>                                                     */

/*  <global variables>                                                        */
static PortableServer_ServantBase__epv <interface id>_base_epv  =
   NULL,			/* _private data */
   NULL,			/* finalize routine */
   NULL,			/* default_POA routine */

static POA_<interface id>__epv <interface id>_epv  =
   NULL,			/* _private */
   (gpointer) & impl_<stubname>,

static POA_<interface id>__vepv <interface id>_vepv =
   &<interface id>_base_epv,
   &<interface id>_epv,

/*  <global variables>                                                        */

/*  <standalone server>                                                       */
int main 
  (int                          argc,
   char*                        argv[])
  CORBA_Environment             ev;
  CORBA_ORB                     orb;
  CosNaming_NamingContext       naming_service;
  char                          ior[MAX_IOR_LENGTH];
  int                           error_code;

  /*  Setup ORB                                                             */
  orb = CORBA_ORB_init(&argc, argv, "orbit-local-orb", &ev);
  if (ev._major != CORBA_NO_EXCEPTION)
      fprintf(stderr, "Corba exception:: %s: %s\n",
	      (ev._major == CORBA_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION ? "System" : "User"),
  error_code = get_naming_service_ior (ior);
  if (error_code != 0)
      fprintf(stderr, "Error getting IOR of Naming Service (%d)\n\t%s\n",
	      error_code, strerror(errno));
  naming_service = CORBA_ORB_string_to_object(orb, ior, &ev);
  if (ev._major != CORBA_NO_EXCEPTION)
      fprintf(stderr, "Corba exception:: %s: %s\n",
	      (ev._major == CORBA_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION ? "System" : "User"),
  orb->naming = naming_service;

  /*  Initialize Server                                                     */
  <sub section>
  <interface id>_server_init(orb, &ev);
  if (ev._major != CORBA_NO_EXCEPTION)
      fprintf(stderr, "Corba exception:: %s: %s\n",
	      (ev._major == CORBA_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION ? "System" : "User"),
  <sub section>

  /*  Run server --- loop forever and do not return                         */
  CORBA_ORB_run(orb, &ev);
  if (ev._major != CORBA_NO_EXCEPTION)
      fprintf(stderr, "Corba exception:: %s: %s\n",
	      (ev._major == CORBA_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION ? "System" : "User"),

/***********************     GET_NAMING_SERVICE_IOR     ***********************/
/*                                                                            */
/*      Future enhancement --- allow multicast network ip and port-number to  */
/*      be passed to get_naming_service_ior() and used in call to             */
/*      ORBIT_NAME_SERVER_DAEMONIZER                                          */
/*                                                                            */
/*      Future enhancement --- consider alternative to both this function     */
/*      and the program "nsd".  Alternatives include: DHCP/bootp, INS, Jini,  */
/*      UPnP                                                                  */
#define TESTLZ(call, code) \
            { int _status; if ((_status = (call)) < 0) return((code)); }

int get_naming_service_ior
  (char                 ior[])
  int                   terminated;
  int                   child_pid;
  int                   child_status;
  int                   pipe_ends[2];

  memset(ior, '\0', MAX_IOR_LENGTH);
  /* Create pipe to talk to Name Service daemonizer                     */
  TESTLZ(pipe(pipe_ends), 1);

  /* Spawn child process which will run the Name Service                */
  if ((child_pid = fork()))
      /* Parent Process                                                 */
      /*   Read Name Service IOR from pipe and report result on STDOUT  */
      read (pipe_ends[0], ior, MAX_IOR_LENGTH);
      terminated = waitpid(child_pid, &child_status, WNOHANG);
      /* Child Process                                                  */
      /*    Close unnecessary files and set pipe_ends to stdin/stdout   */
      /* Child Process */
      TESTLZ((dup2(pipe_ends[0], 0)), 2);
      TESTLZ((dup2(pipe_ends[1], 1)), 3);
      /* Exec Name service                                              */
      /* Shouldn't get passed here  so signal error                     */

/*  <standalone server>                                                       */

/*  <implementation>                                                          */
static <interface id> <interface id>__create
  (PortableServer_POA             poa,
   CORBA_Environment*             ev)
  TCO_Commander                   retval;
  POAHooks_<interface id>*        newservant;
  PortableServer_ObjectId*        objid;

  newservant = g_new0(POAHooks_<interface id>, 1);
  newservant->servant.vepv = &<interface id>_vepv;
  newservant->poa = poa;
  POA_<interface id>__init((PortableServer_Servant) newservant, ev);
  objid = PortableServer_POA_activate_object(poa, newservant, ev);
  retval = PortableServer_POA_servant_to_reference(poa, newservant, ev);
  return retval;

static void <interface id>__destroy
  (POAHooks_<interface id>*       servant, 
   CORBA_Environment*             ev)
  PortableServer_ObjectId*        objid;

  objid = PortableServer_POA_servant_to_id(servant->poa, servant, ev);
  PortableServer_POA_deactivate_object(servant->poa, objid, ev);

  POA_<interface id>__fini((PortableServer_Servant) servant, ev);

static void <interface id>_server_init
  (CORBA_ORB                      orb,
   CORBA_Environment*             ev)
  <if local poa>PortableServer_POA              <interface id>_poa;
  PortableServer_POA              root_poa;
  PortableServer_POAManager       root_poa_manager;
  CosNaming_NamingContext         naming_service;
  CosNaming_NameComponent         name_component[<local number NS components>]; 
  CosNaming_Name                  server_name_binding;
  CORBA_Object                    server_object;
  /*  Setup POA                                                             */
  naming_service = (CosNaming_NamingContext)
    CORBA_ORB_resolve_initial_references(orb, "NameService", ev);
  if (ev->_major != CORBA_NO_EXCEPTION) return;
  root_poa = (PortableServer_POA)
    CORBA_ORB_resolve_initial_references(orb, "RootPOA", ev);
  if (ev->_major != CORBA_NO_EXCEPTION) return;
  root_poa_manager = PortableServer_POA__get_the_POAManager(root_poa, ev);
  if (ev->_major != CORBA_NO_EXCEPTION) return;
  <sub section>
  <if local poa>
  PortableServer_POA_create_poa(root_poa, "<interface id>_poa",
				root_poa_manager, policy_list, ev);
  if (ev->_major != CORBA_NO_EXCEPTION) return;
  <interface id>_poa = 
     PortableServer_POA_find_poa(root_poa, "<interface id>_poa", ev);
  if (ev->_major != CORBA_NO_EXCEPTION) return;
  <sub section>

  /*  Initialize server object                                              */
  server_object = <interface id>__create(<local poa id>, ev);
  if (ev->_major != CORBA_NO_EXCEPTION) return;

  /*  Bind server object to Name Service so that clients can find it        */
  <sub section>
  name_component[<step NS component>].id = (CORBA_char*) malloc(strlen("<local name component id>")+1);
  name_component[<step NS component>].kind = (CORBA_char*) malloc(strlen("<local name component kind>")+1);
  strcpy(name_component[<step NS component>].id, "<local name component id>");
  strcpy(name_component[<step NS component>].kind, "<local name component kind>");
  <sub section>
  server_name_binding._maximum = <local number NS components>;
  server_name_binding._length = <local number NS components>;
  server_name_binding._buffer = name_component;
  server_name_binding._release = CORBA_FALSE;
  if (ev->_major != CORBA_NO_EXCEPTION) return;

  /*  Activate POA                                                          */
  PortableServer_POAManager_activate(root_poa_manager, ev);
  if (ev->_major != CORBA_NO_EXCEPTION) return;

/*  <implementation>                                                          */
/*  <creation string>                                                         */
/*  Copyright Andrew Bainbridge-Smith and CSIRO,   28 March 2001              */
/*  Distributed under GPL licence                                             */

/*  <include>                                                                 */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include "orb/orbit.h"
#include "ORBitservices/CosNaming.h"

#include "<basename>.h"

/*  <include>                                                                 */

/*  <constants>                                                               */
<sub section>
#define ORBIT_NAME_SERVER_DAEMONIZER         "./nsd"
#define MAX_IOR_LENGTH                       1024
<sub section>

/*  <constants>                                                               */

/*  <data structures>                                                         */
/*  <data structures>                                                         */

/*  <function prototypes>                                                     */
/*  <function prototypes>                                                     */

/*  <function prototypes>                                                     */
int get_naming_service_ior(char ior[]);
/*  <function prototypes>                                                     */

/*  <global variables>                                                        */
/*  <global variables>                                                        */

/*  <implementation>                                                          */
static void <interface id>_init_client
  (CORBA_ORB                      orb,
   <interface id>*                object,
   CORBA_Environment*             ev)
  CosNaming_NamingContext         naming_service;
  CosNaming_NameComponent         name_component[<local number NS components>]; 
  CosNaming_Name                  server_name_binding;

  /*  Resolve Binding to Server                                             */
  naming_service = (CosNaming_NamingContext)
    CORBA_ORB_resolve_initial_references(orb, "NameService", ev);
  if (ev->_major != CORBA_NO_EXCEPTION) return;

  <sub section>
  name_component[<step NS component>].id = (CORBA_char*) malloc(strlen("<local name component id>")+1);
  name_component[<step NS component>].kind = (CORBA_char*) malloc(strlen("<local name component kind>")+1);
  strcpy(name_component[<step NS component>].id, "<local name component id>");
  strcpy(name_component[<step NS component>].kind, "<local name component kind>");
  <sub section>
  server_name_binding._maximum = <local number NS components>;
  server_name_binding._length = <local number NS components>;
  server_name_binding._buffer = name_component;
  server_name_binding._release = CORBA_FALSE;
  *object = 
    CosNaming_NamingContext_resolve(naming_service, &server_name_binding, ev);
  if (ev->_major != CORBA_NO_EXCEPTION)
      *object = NULL;

/*  <implementation>                                                          */

/*  <implementation>                                                          */

/***********************     GET_NAMING_SERVICE_IOR     ***********************/
/*                                                                            */
/*      Future enhancement --- allow multicast network ip and port-number to  */
/*      be passed to get_naming_service_ior() and used in call to             */
/*      ORBIT_NAME_SERVER_DAEMONIZER                                          */
/*                                                                            */
/*      Future enhancement --- consider alternative to both this function     */
/*      and the program "nsd".  Alternatives include: DHCP/bootp, INS, Jini,  */
/*      UPnP                                                                  */
#define TESTLZ(call, code) \
            { int _status; if ((_status = (call)) < 0) return((code)); }

int get_naming_service_ior
  (char                 ior[])
  int                   terminated;
  int                   child_pid;
  int                   child_status;
  int                   pipe_ends[2];

  memset(ior, '\0', MAX_IOR_LENGTH);
  /* Create pipe to talk to Name Service daemonizer                     */
  TESTLZ(pipe(pipe_ends), 1);

  /* Spawn child process which will run the Name Service                */
  if ((child_pid = fork()))
      /* Parent Process                                                 */
      /*   Read Name Service IOR from pipe and report result on STDOUT  */
      read (pipe_ends[0], ior, MAX_IOR_LENGTH);
      terminated = waitpid(child_pid, &child_status, WNOHANG);
      /* Child Process                                                  */
      /*    Close unnecessary files and set pipe_ends to stdin/stdout   */
      /* Child Process */
      TESTLZ((dup2(pipe_ends[0], 0)), 2);
      TESTLZ((dup2(pipe_ends[1], 1)), 3);
      /* Exec Name service                                              */
      /* Shouldn't get passed here  so signal error                     */

/*  <implementation>                                                          */
/* Test example idl file */

module TCO {

#define MAX_ERROR_EVENTS                   25
#define MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH                 80
#define MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH                80

typedef char          EventMessage[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
typedef char          EventFile[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];

struct structEventList{
  long                status;
  long                number_of_events;
  long                eventcodes[MAX_ERROR_EVENTS];
  EventMessage        eventmessage[MAX_ERROR_EVENTS];
  EventFile           eventfile[MAX_ERROR_EVENTS];
  long                eventline[MAX_ERROR_EVENTS];
typedef structEventList EventList;

  interface Commander {
	void SetStatus (in string          status_field,
			in long            value,
			inout EventList    error_events);
	void GetStatus (in string          status_field,
			out long           value,
			inout EventList    error_events);
	void Shutdown  ();
/* Example test file.  Note all the structed comments required */
/* Should also compile as a standalone program (not client/server) */

/* <include> */
/* <sub section> */
/* <client only> */
#include <stdio.h>
/* <sub section> */
/* <include> */

/* <constants> */
/*<sub section> */
/* <client only> */
#define MAX_ERROR_EVENTS                   25
#define MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH                 80
#define MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH                80

/*<sub section> */
/* <constants> */

/* <data structures> */
/*<sub section> */
/* <client only> */
typedef char          EventMessage[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
typedef char          EventFile[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];

typedef struct structEventList{
  long                status;
  long                number_of_events;
  long                eventcodes[MAX_ERROR_EVENTS];
  EventMessage        eventmessage[MAX_ERROR_EVENTS];
  EventFile           eventfile[MAX_ERROR_EVENTS];
  long                eventline[MAX_ERROR_EVENTS];
} EventList;
/* <sub section> */
/* <data structures> */

/* <Global Variables> */
/* <sub section> */
/* <server only> */
int balance = 0;
/* <sub section> */
/* <Global Variables> */

/*  <Naming Components TCO::Commander>                                       */
/*      <namepair Hymod server>                                              */
/*  <Naming Components>                                                      */
/* <End of Preamble> */


/* <Service TCO::Commander::SetStatus> */
static void
SetStatus(char* status_field,
			     int value,
			     EventList* error_events)
  if (strcmp(status_field,"Balance") == 0)
      balance = value;
  if (strcmp(status_field,"Deposit") == 0)
      balance = balance+value;
/* <Service> */

/* <Service TCO::Commander::GetStatus> */
static void
GetStatus(char* status_field,
			     int* value,
			     EventList* error_events)
  if (strcmp(status_field,"Balance") == 0)
/* <Service> */

/* <Service TCO::Commander::Shutdown> */
/* <Service> */

/* <CLIENT> */
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
  int value;
  EventList error_events;

  /* <corba init> */
  SetStatus ("Balance", 100, &error_events);
  GetStatus ("Balance", &value, &error_events);
  printf ("Set Balance to %d (cf. 100)\n", value);
  value = value/4;
  SetStatus ("Deposit", value, &error_events);
  GetStatus ("Balance", &value, &error_events);
  printf ("After deposit balance is %d (cf. 125)\n", value);
  Shutdown ();
  printf ("Shutdown server --- next call should fail\n");
  GetStatus ("Balance", &value, &error_events);
  printf ("After shutdown balance is %d (cf. 0 or UNDEF)\n", value);

/* <CLIENT> */

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